Chapter 77.

Rivers, Creeks, and Coastal Waters.

Article 1.

Commissioners for Opening and Clearing Streams.

§ 77-1.  County commissioners to appoint commissioners.

Where any inland river or stream runs through the county, or is a line of their county, the boards of commissioners of the several counties may appoint commissioners to view such river or stream, and make out a scale of the expense of labor with which the opening and clearing thereof will be attended; and if the same is deemed within the ability of the county, and to be expedient, they may appoint and authorize the commissioners to proceed in the most expeditious manner in opening and clearing the same. (Code, s. 3706; 1887, c. 370; Rev., s. 5297; C.S., s. 7363.)


§ 77-2.  Flats and appurtenances procured.

The board of county commissioners appointing the commissioners may direct them to purchase or hire a flat with a windlass and the appurtenances necessary to remove loose rock and other things, which may by such means be more easily removed, and allow the same to be paid for out of the county funds. (1785, c. 242, s. 2; R.C., c. 100, s. 3; Code, s. 3708; Rev., s. 5299; C. S., s. 7365.)


§ 77-3.  Laid off in districts; passage for fish.

The board of county commissioners may appoint commissioners to examine and lay off the rivers and creeks in their county; and where the stream is a boundary between two counties, may lay off the same on their side; in doing so they shall allow three fourths for the owners of the streams for erecting slopes, dams and stands; and one-fourth part, including the deepest part, they shall leave open for the passage of fish, marking and designating the same in the best manner they can; and if mills are built across such stream, and slopes may be necessary, the commissioners shall lay off such slopes, and determine the length of time they shall be kept open; and such commissioners shall return to their respective boards of county commissioners a plan of such slopes, dams, and other parts of streams viewed and surveyed. (1787, c. 272, s. 1; R.C., c. 100, s. 5; Code, s. 3710; Rev., s. 5301; C.S., s. 7367.)


§ 77-4.  Gates and slopes on milldams.

The commissioners appointed by the board of county commissioners to examine and lay off the rivers and creeks within the  county, or where the stream is a boundary between counties, shall have power to lay off gates, with slopes attached thereto, upon any milldam built across such stream, of such dimensions and construction as shall be sufficient for the convenient passage of floating logs and other timber, in cases where it may be deemed necessary by the said board of county commissioners; and they shall return to the board of county commissioners appointing them a plan of such gates, slopes, and dams in writing. (1858-9, c. 26, s. 1; Code, s. 3712; Rev., s. 5302; C.S., s. 7368.)


§ 77-5.  Owner to maintain gate and slope.

Upon the confirmation of the report made by the commissioners, and notice thereof given to the owner or keeper of said mill, it shall be his duty forthwith to construct, and thereafter to keep and maintain, at his expense, such gate and slope, for the use of persons floating logs and other timber as aforesaid, so long as said dam shall be kept up, or until otherwise ordered by the board of county commissioners. (1858-9, c. 26, s. 2; Code, s. 3713; Rev., s. 5303; C.S., s. 7369.)


§ 77-6.  Gates and slopes discontinued.

The commissioners appointed as aforesaid, at any time that they may deem such gate and slope no longer necessary, may report the  fact to their respective boards of county commissioners, and said boards of county commissioners may order the same to be discontinued. (1858-9, c. 26, s. 3; Code, s. 3714; Rev., s. 5304; C.S., s. 7370.)


§ 77-7.  Failure of owner of dam to keep gates, etc.

If any owner or keeper of a mill, whose dam is across any stream, shall fail to build a gate and slope therein, or thereafter to keep and maintain the same as required by commissioners to lay off rivers and creeks, he shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. (1858-9, c. 26, s. 4; Code, s. 3715; Rev., s. 3383; C.S., s. 7371; 1993, c. 539, s. 579; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)


§ 77-8.  Repairing breaks.

Wherever any stream of water which is used to propel machinery shall be by freshet or otherwise diverted from its usual channel so as to impair its power as used by any person, such person shall have power to repair the banks of such stream at the place where the break occurs, so as to cause the stream to return to its former channel. (1879, c. 53, s. 1; Code, s. 3716; Rev., s. 5305; C.S., s. 7372.)


§ 77-9.  Entry upon lands of another to make repairs.

In case the break occurs on the lands of a different person from the one utilizing the stream, the person utilizing the stream shall have power to enter upon the lands of such other person to repair the same, and in case such person objects, the clerk of the superior court of the county in which the break occurs shall, upon application of the party utilizing the stream, appoint three disinterested freeholders, neither of whom shall be related to either party, who after being duly sworn shall lay off a road, if necessary, by which said person may pass over the lands of such other person to the break and repair said break from time to time as often as may be necessary, so as to cause the stream to return to its original channel, and assess any damage which may thereby be occasioned: Provided, the party upon whose land the work is proposed to be done shall have five days' notice in writing served on him or left at his place of residence: Provided further, that it shall be the duty of said commissioners to assess the damage of anyone on whose land the road shall be laid off to be paid by the applicant for said road: Provided, also, that either party shall have the right of appeal to the superior court. (1879, c. 53, s. 2; Code, s. 3717; Rev., s. 5306; C.S., s. 7373.)


§ 77-10.  Draws in bridges.

Whenever the navigation of any river or creek which, in the strict construction of law, might not be considered a navigable stream, shall be obstructed by any bridge across said stream, except those under the supervision and control of the Board of Transportation, it shall be lawful for any person owning any boat plying on said stream to make a draw in such bridge sufficient for the passage of such boat; and the party owning such boat shall construct and maintain such draw at his own expense, and shall use the same in such manner as to delay travel as little as possible. (1879, c. 279, ss. 1, 2; Code, s. 3719; Rev., s. 5307; C.S., s. 7374; 1965, c. 493; 1973, c. 507, s. 5.)


§ 77-11.  Public landings.

The board of county commissioners may establish public landings on any navigable stream or watercourse in the county upon petition in writing. Unless it shall appear to the board that the person owning the lands sought to be used for a public landing shall have had 20 days' notice of the intention to file such petition, the same shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the board until the  succeeding meeting of the board, and notice thereof shall be posted during the same period at the courthouse door. At said meeting of the board, the allegations of the petition shall be heard, and if sufficient reason be shown, the board shall order the establishment of the public landing. The board shall at that time initiate proceedings  under the Chapter entitled Eminent Domain. (1784, c. 206, s. 4; 1789, c. 303; 1790, c. 331, s. 3; 1793, c. 386; 1813, c. 862, s. 1; 1822, c. 1139, s. 2; R.C., c. 60, s. 1; c. 101, ss. 2, 4; 1869, c. 20, s. 8, subsec. 29; 1872-3, c. 189, s. 3; 1879, c. 82, s. 9; Code, ss. 2038, 2040, 2982; Rev., ss. 2684, 2685, 5308; 1917, c. 284, s. 33; 1919, c. 68; C.S., ss. 3667, 3762, 3763, 7375; 1981, c. 919, s. 10.)