§ 113B-4.  Chairman of Council; replacement; reimbursement of members.

(a) The Lieutenant Governor or the Lieutenant Governor's designee shall serve as chair of the Council.

(b) In case of a vacancy in the membership on the Energy Policy Council prior to the expiration of a member's term, a successor shall be appointed within 30 days of such vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term by the appropriate official pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 113B-3.

(c) Members of the Energy Policy Council shall be reimbursed for their services pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 138-5. (1975, c. 877, s. 4; 1979, c. 514, s. 1; 2009-446, s. 5; 2013-365, s. 8(d); 2017-209, s. 15.)