Part 3. Parental Involvement in Public School Units.

§ 115C-76.20.  Priority of parental involvement in public school.

(a) The General Assembly finds that parental involvement and empowerment is fundamental to the successful education of all students. To strengthen partnerships among parents and school personnel, public school units and all public school unit personnel shall fully support and cooperate in implementing a well-planned, inclusive, and comprehensive program to assist parents and families in effectively participating in their child's education.

(b) To ensure active engagement and timely provision of information that parents can use to improve success for their child, public school units shall comply with the requirements of this Part to do all of the following:

(1) Inform parents of their legal rights and responsibilities with regards to their child's education.

(2) Provide a parent's guide for student achievement annually to parents to provide information parents need to know about their child's educational progress and how they can help their child to succeed in school.

(3) Develop policies to effectively involve parents in schools and their child's education. (2023-106, s. 2(a).)