Whereas, Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles, Jr., was born in Monroe, North Carolina, on November 16, 1919; and

Whereas, Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles, Jr., attended public schools and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and

Whereas, Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles, Jr., was an astute and accomplished businessman who always sought to integrate his interest and success in commerce with his social, civic and public interests.  He was involved with such companies as Bowles, Hollowell, Conner and Company as Chairman of the Board, First Union Corporation as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee, Carlyle and Company Jewelers as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee, Rauch Industries, Inc., as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, and as a Director of Oakwood Homes Corporation; and

Whereas, Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles, Jr., believed politics was an honorable profession and was a good vehicle for positive action to help people.  His desire to serve his fellow citizens caused him to spend four years as Chairman of the North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development, two years as a member of the North Carolina House of Representatives, and four years as a member of the North Carolina Senate.  He was also the Democratic Party's nominee for Governor in 1972; and

Whereas, Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles, Jr., loved The University of North Carolina and served the University for many years as a member of the Board of Directors and then as President of The Educational Foundation and as a member of the University Board of Trustees and as its Chairman.  He was also Chairman of the fund-raising committee to build the Student Activities Center.  Perhaps his greatest service came as a result of his interest in the problem of alcoholism as evidenced by his work with the Center for Alcohol Studies at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he was the driving force in the public awareness of and commitment to the work of the Center; and

Whereas, Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles, Jr.'s, sphere of public service knew no geographical boundaries as evidenced by his being State Chairman of the North Carolina Heart Association, National Board Associate for the Boys' Club of America and also as Chairman of the North Carolina Partners of the Alliance (People to People Program between North Carolina and Bolivia, South America, sponsored by the United States Department of State); and

Whereas, Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles, Jr., "never knew a stranger" because he genuinely cared for every person he met, especially the downtrodden and those out of luck, and he was always quietly helping folks with problems without their ever knowing from whence came the help; and

Whereas, Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles, Jr.'s, life might be described by some by his involvement in cultural, political, educational, or social activities, his love and devotion to his family were known by all: his wife, Deziree, his brothers, John Bowles, R. Kelly Bowles, and James Bowles, his children, Hargrove Bowles, III, Erskine B. Bowles, Mary Holland Bowles Blanton, and Martha Thomas Bowles, and grandchildren; and

Whereas, the General Assembly wishes to honor the memory of Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles, Jr., and to recognize his many years of service to his beloved State and his fellow citizens;


Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring:


Section 1.  The General Assembly of North Carolina recognizes the many accomplishments of Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles, Jr., and expresses the gratitude and appreciation of North Carolina and its citizens for his life and service towards the betterment of all.

Sec. 2.  The Secretary of State shall transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the family of Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles, Jr.

Sec. 3.  This resolution is effective upon ratification.

In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 23rd day of May, 1989.



                                                               James C. Gardner

     President of the Senate



                                                               J. L. Mavretic

     Speaker of the House of Representatives