AN ACT amending the charter of the town of red cross to authorize the town council to fill a vacancy on the council and to choose one of its members to serve as mayor pro tempore.
The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
SECTION 1. Article III of the Charter of the Town of Red Cross, being S.L. 2002‑56, as amended by S.L. 2015‑253, reads as rewritten:
"Section 3.3. Manner of
Electing Town Council; Term of Office.Office; Vacancy. (a)
The qualified voters of the entire Town shall elect the members of the Town
Council and, except as provided in this section, they shall be elected to four‑year
terms. In 2015, two members shall be elected for five‑year terms, and the
two members whose terms expire in 2017 shall continue to serve until 2018. In
2018, and biennially thereafter, two members shall be elected to four‑year
(b) If any elected member of the Town Council shall refuse to be qualified, or if there is a vacancy in the office of a member of the Town Council after election and qualification, the remaining members of the Town Council shall, by majority vote, appoint some qualified person to serve for the unexpired term. A member of the Town Council appointed under this subsection shall have the same authority and powers as if regularly elected.
"Section 3.4A. Mayor Pro Tempore.
The Town Council shall choose one of its members to serve as Mayor Pro Tempore and that person shall perform the duties of the Mayor in the Mayor's absence or disability. The Mayor Pro Tempore shall have no fixed term of office but shall serve in that capacity at the pleasure of the remaining members of the Town Council.
SECTION 2. This act is effective when it becomes law.
In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 23rd day of June, 2016.
s/ Daniel J. Forest
President of the Senate
s/ Tim Moore
Speaker of the House of Representatives