AN ACT changing the membership composition of rockingham county economic development and tourism.


The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:


SECTION 1.  Section 2 of Chapter 322 of the Session Laws of 1991, as amended by Chapter 52 of the Session Laws of 1995, Part V of S.L. 2005‑233, and Part III of S.L. 2009‑428, reads as rewritten:

"Sec. 2. Tourism Development Authority. –

(a)        Appointment and Membership. – When the board of commissioners adopts a resolution levying a room occupancy tax under this act, it shall also adopt a resolution creating a county Tourism Development Authority, which shall be a public authority under the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. At least one‑third of the members must be individuals affiliated with businesses that collect the tax in the county, and at least one‑half of the members must be individuals currently active in the promotion of travel and tourism in the county. The Authority shall be composed of the following 12 members:

(1)        The Executive Director of the Rockingham County Economic Development Commission, and Tourism, who shall serve as an ex officio, nonvoting member.

(2)        A county commissioner appointed by the Rockingham County Board of Commissioners, who shall serve as an ex officio, nonvoting member.

(2a)      The County Finance Officer, who shall serve as an ex officio, nonvoting member.

(3)        Two owners or operators of hotels, motels, or other taxable accommodations and two individuals involved in tourist businesses who have demonstrated an interest in tourism development, appointed as follows: one by the Rockingham County Board of Commissioners and one by each chamber of commerce in Rockingham County.that collect the occupancy tax.

(4)        Five Seven individuals involved in businesses or professions that are concerned with or affected by tourism development in such a way that their expertise would benefit the Authority, appointed as follows: one by each chamber of commerce in Rockingham County and two by the Rockingham County Board of Commissioners.Authority. These individuals may be affiliated with businesses that collect the occupancy tax but shall not be required to have such affiliation.

(5)        The President of the Chinqua‑Penn Foundation, Inc., who shall serve as an ex officio, nonvoting member.

All members of the Authority shall serve without compensation. Vacancies in the Authority shall be filled by the appointing authority of the member creating the vacancy.Rockingham County Board of Commissioners. Members appointed to fill vacancies shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term which they are appointed to fill. Except as provided in subsection (b) for initial members, members Members shall serve three‑year terms. Members Voting members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. The members shall elect a chair from the membership voting members of the Authority, who shall serve for a term of two years. one year. The Authority shall meet at the call of the chair and shall adopt rules of procedure to govern its meetings. The Finance Officer for Rockingham County shall be the ex officio finance officer of the Authority.


SECTION 2.  The members of Rockingham County Economic Development and Tourism serving on the date this act becomes law shall continue to serve until the expiration of their terms. Upon the expiration of each of the members' terms, the Rockingham County Board of Commissioners shall appoint a person to Rockingham County Economic Development and Tourism as provided in Section 2 of Chapter 322 of the Session Laws of 1991, as amended by Chapter 52 of the Session Laws of 1995, Part V of S.L. 2005‑233, Part III of S.L. 2009‑428, and Section 1 of this act.

SECTION 3.  This act is effective when it becomes law.

In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 28th day of June, 2017.



                                                                    s/  Daniel J. Forest

                                                                         President of the Senate



                                                                    s/  Tim Moore

                                                                         Speaker of the House of Representatives