Article 51.

Regional Transit Authority Registration Tax.

§ 105-560.  Definitions.

(1) Authority. - Any of the following:

a. A public transportation authority created pursuant to Article 25 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes that includes two or more counties.

b. A regional public transportation authority created pursuant to Article 26 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes.

c. A regional transportation authority created pursuant to Article 27 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes.

(2) Board of trustees. - The governing body of an Authority.

(3) Public transportation system. - Defined in G.S. 105-550. (1997-417, s. 4.)


§ 105-561.  Authority registration tax authorized.

(a) Tax Authorized. - The board of trustees of an Authority may, by resolution, levy an annual license tax in accordance with this Article upon any motor vehicle with a tax situs within its territorial jurisdiction. The purpose of the tax levied under this Article is to raise revenue for capital and operating expenses of an Authority in providing public transportation systems. The rate of tax levied under this Article must be a full dollar amount, but may not exceed ten dollars ($10.00) a year.

(b) Restrictions. - The board of trustees of an Authority may not levy a tax under this Article or increase the tax rate until all of the following requirements have been met:

(1) The board of trustees has held a public hearing on the tax or the increase in the tax rate after giving at least 10 days' notice of the hearing.

(2) If the Authority has a special tax board, the special tax board has adopted a resolution approving the levy of the tax or the increase in the tax rate.

(3) Except where the levy or increase in tax is necessary for debt service on bonds or notes that each of the boards of county commissioners had previously approved under G.S. 159-51, the board of commissioners of each county included in the territorial jurisdiction of the Authority has adopted a resolution approving the levy of the tax or the increase in the tax rate.

(c) Resolutions. - The board of trustees and the board of county commissioners, upon adoption of a resolution pursuant to this section, shall cause a certified copy of the resolution to be delivered immediately to the Authority and to the Division of Motor Vehicles.

(d) Special Tax District. - If a regional transportation authority created under Article 27 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes or a regional public transportation authority created under Article 26 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes has not levied the tax under this section or has levied the tax at a rate of less than ten dollars ($10.00), it may create a special district that consists of the entire area of one or more counties within its territorial jurisdiction and may levy on behalf of the special district the tax authorized in this section. The rate of tax levied within the special district may not, when combined with the rate levied within the entire territorial jurisdiction of the authority; exceed ten dollars ($10.00). The regional transportation authority may not levy or increase a tax within the special district unless the board of commissioners of each county in the special district has adopted a resolution approving the levy or increase.

A special district created pursuant to this subsection is a body corporate and politic and has the power to carry out the purposes of this subsection. The board of trustees of the regional transportation authority created under Article 27 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes or a regional public transportation authority created under Article 26 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes shall serve, ex officio, as the governing body of a special district it creates pursuant to this subsection. The proceeds of a tax levied under this subsection may be used only for the benefit of the special district and only for the purposes provided in G.S. 105-564. Except as provided in this subsection, a tax levied under this subsection is governed by the provisions of this Article. (1997-417, s. 4; 1999-445, s. 4; 2009-527, s. 3(a)-(d); 2013-414, s. 50; 2024-30, s. 30(a).)


§ 105-562.  Collection and scope.

(a) Collection. - A tax or a tax increase levied under this Article becomes effective on the date set by the board of trustees in the resolution levying the tax or the tax increase. The effective date must be the first day of a month and may not be earlier than the first day of the sixth calendar month after the board of trustees adopts the resolution. To the extent the tax applies to vehicles whose tax situs is in a county the entire area of which is within the jurisdiction of the Authority, the Division of Motor Vehicles shall collect and administer the tax. To the extent the tax applies to vehicles whose tax situs is in a county that is only partially within the jurisdiction of the county, the Authority shall collect and administer the tax. The Authority may contract with one or more local governments in its jurisdiction to collect the tax on its behalf.

Upon receipt of the resolutions under G.S. 105-561, the Division of Motor Vehicles shall proceed to collect and administer the tax as provided in this Article. The tax is due at the same time and subject to the same restrictions as in G.S. 20-87(1), (2), (4), (5), (6), and (7) and G.S. 20-88. The Division of Motor Vehicles may adopt rules to carry out its responsibilities under this Article.

(b) Scope. - Only vehicles required to pay a tax under G.S. 20-87(1), (2), (4), (5), (6), and (7) and G.S. 20-88 shall be subject to the tax provided by this Article. Taxes shall be prorated in accordance with G.S. 20-95.

(c) Tax Situs. - The tax situs of a motor vehicle for the purpose of this Article is its ad valorem tax situs. If the vehicle is exempt from ad valorem tax, its tax situs for the purpose of this Article is the ad valorem tax situs it would have if it were not exempt from ad valorem tax.

(d) Any tax or tax increase levied under this Article applicable to a motor vehicle sold or leased by a motor vehicle dealer, as defined in G.S. 20-286(11), is only applicable to a motor vehicle sale or lease made on or after the effective date of the tax or tax increase regardless of the date of submission of a title and registration application for the motor vehicle to the Division of Motor Vehicles. No tax or tax increase levied under this Article applies to a motor vehicle sale or lease made prior to the effective date of the tax or tax increase. (1997-417, s. 4; 2009-527, s. 5(a); 2018-42, s. 6.)


§ 105-563.  Modification or repeal of tax.

The Board of Trustees may, by resolution, repeal the levy of the tax under this Article or decrease the amount of the tax, under the same procedures and subject to the same limitations as provided in G.S. 105-561. A tax repeal or a tax decrease becomes effective on the date set by the board of trustees in the resolution repealing or decreasing the tax. The effective date must be on the first day of a month and may not be earlier than the first day of the sixth calendar month after the board of trustees adopts the resolution. Repeal or decrease of a tax levied under this Article does not affect the rights or liabilities of an Authority, a taxpayer, or another person arising before the repeal or decrease. (1997-417, s. 4; 2009-527, s. 5(b).)


§ 105-564.  Distribution and use of proceeds.

The Authority shall retain the net proceeds of taxes it collects under this Article. Taxes collected by the Division of Motor Vehicles under this Article shall be credited to a special fund and the net proceeds disbursed quarterly to the appropriate Authority. Interest credited to the fund shall be disbursed quarterly to the Highway Fund to reimburse the Division of Motor Vehicles for the cost of collecting and administering the tax.

An Authority that levies a tax under this Article may use the proceeds of the tax for any purpose for which the Authority is authorized to use funds. An Authority shall use the tax proceeds to supplement and not to supplant or replace existing funds or other resources for public transportation systems. (1997-417, s. 4.)


§ 105-565.  Reserved for future codification purposes.


§ 105-566.  Reserved for future codification purposes.


§ 105-567.  Reserved for future codification purposes.


§ 105-568.  Reserved for future codification purposes.


§ 105-569.  Reserved for future codification purposes.