Article 1A.
Disenrollment from Prepaid Health Plans.
ยง 108D-5.1. General provisions.
(a) Nothing in this Article shall be construed to limit or prevent the Department from disenrolling, from a PHP, an enrollee who (i) is no longer eligible to receive services through the Medicaid program or (ii) becomes a member of a population of beneficiaries that is not required to enroll in a PHP under State law.
(b) Nothing in this Article shall be construed to exclude a Medicaid beneficiary who is otherwise required by State law to enroll in a PHP from enrolling in a PHP, or to prevent a beneficiary who is otherwise exempted from enrollment in a PHP from disenrolling from a PHP and receiving services through the fee-for-service program. (2019-81, s. 1(a); 2022-74, s. 9D.15(z); 2023-11, s. 3.2(h).)