ยง 10B-37. Seal image.
(a) A notary shall affix the notary's official seal near the notary's official signature on the notarial certificate of a record.
(b) A notary's official seal shall include all of the following elements:
(1) The notary's name exactly as commissioned.
(2) The words "Notary Public".
(3) The county of commissioning, including the word "County" or the abbreviation "Co.".
(4) The words "North Carolina" or the abbreviation "N.C." or "NC".
(c) The notary seal may be either circular or rectangular in shape. Upon receiving a commission or a recommission on or after October 1, 2006, a notary shall not use a circular seal that is less than 1 1/2 inches, nor more than 2 inches in diameter. The rectangular seal shall not be over 1 inch high and 2 1/2 inches long. The perimeter of the seal shall contain a border that is visible when impressed.
(c1) Alterations to any information contained within the seal as embossed or stamped on the record are prohibited.
(d) A notarial seal, as it appears on a record, may contain the permanently imprinted, handwritten, or typed date the notary's commission expires.
(e) Any reference in the General Statutes to the seal of a notary shall include the stamp of a notary, and any reference to the stamp of a notary shall include the seal of the notary.
(f) The failure of a notarial seal to comply with the requirements of this section shall not affect the sufficiency, validity, or enforceability of the notarial certificate, but shall constitute a violation of the notary's duties. (2005-391, s. 4; 2006-59, s. 17; 2013-204, s. 1.2.)