§ 115C-407.58.  Emergency action plans.

(a) With regard to middle schools and high schools, the State Board of Education shall adopt a rule that requires each school to develop a venue-specific emergency action plan to deal with serious injuries and acute medical conditions in which the condition of the patient may deteriorate rapidly. The plan shall include a delineation of roles, methods of communication, available emergency equipment, and access to and plan for emergency transport.

(b) The rule required by subsection (a) of this section shall require the plan to be at least the following:

(1) In writing.

(2) Reviewed by an athletic trainer licensed in North Carolina.

(3) Approved by the principal of the school.

(4) Distributed to all appropriate personnel.

(5) Posted conspicuously at all venues.

(6) Reviewed and rehearsed annually by all licensed athletic trainers, first responders, coaches, school nurses, athletic directors, and volunteers for interscholastic athletic activities. (2023-133, s. 18(c).)