§ 116-350.50.  Real property.

(a) Acquisition and Disposition. - The Board shall establish policies for acquiring and disposing of any interest in real property by the System and the UNC Hospitals. These policies shall specify procedures for evaluating, negotiating, and approving the acquisition or disposition of an interest in real property by purchase, gift, lease, or rental, but not by condemnation or exercise of eminent domain. Acquisitions and dispositions of interests in real property pursuant to this section shall not be subject to statutes applicable to the acquisition or disposition of interest in real property by or on behalf of State agencies, including, without limitation, the provisions of Article 36 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes or Chapter 146 of the General Statutes.

(b) Design and Construction. - The Board may, subject to rules and regulations generally applicable to hospital facilities in the State, adopt policies and procedures that exclusively govern the design, construction, and renovation of buildings, infrastructure, utilities, and other property developments of the System and the UNC Hospitals, including all aspects of vendor selections, contracting, negotiation, and approvals. Design and construction for the System and the UNC Hospitals shall be subject to the requirements of G.S. 44A-26 and G.S. 133-1.1 but shall not otherwise be subject to the provisions of statutes applicable to design and construction projects by or on behalf of State agencies.

(c) Plan Review and Code Enforcement of Certain Construction Projects. - Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, a local building code inspection department has general authority over plan review and administration, and enforcement, of all sections of the North Carolina State Building Code for construction or renovation projects undertaken by the System or its component units that are on or within privately owned real property leased by the System, or its component units, within its jurisdiction. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to abrogate the authority of the Department of Labor under G.S. 143-139(c) and (d). (2023-134, s. 4.10(b).)