§ 116-350.55.  Bonds and notes.

(a) Bonds and Notes. - In addition to the provisions of Article 3 of Chapter 116D of the General Statutes, the System shall be authorized to issue bonds and notes on behalf of itself or any component units or System affiliate in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of Chapter 116D of the General Statutes, in the same manner and for the same purposes as the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina may issue bonds and notes as provided for therein. In doing so, the System shall have the same powers conferred upon the Board of Governors by such Article and, for purposes of this section, references in such Article to the Board of Governors shall mean and be deemed to include the System.

(b) [Applicable Provisions. -] Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, in connection with the issuance of bonds or notes of the System in accordance with this section and Article 3 of Chapter 116D of the General Statutes, the following provisions apply:

(1) Institutions within the meaning of G.S. 116D-22 include the System and any component unit or System affiliate.

(2) The approval of the Director of the Budget, as provided in G.S. 116D-26, 116D-27, 116D-29, and 116D-30, does not apply to bonds or notes issued by the System pursuant to this section and Article 3 of Chapter 116D of the General Statutes.

(3) The first paragraph of G.S. 116D-26(b) does not apply to bonds or notes issued by the System pursuant to this section and Article 3 of Chapter 116D of the General Statutes.

(4) Nothing herein shall limit or restrict the right of the System to obtain a loan from a financial institution, provided that the System may not pledge real property owned by the State of North Carolina as collateral. (2023-134, s. 4.10(b).)