Article 2A.

Regulation of Rerefined or Reprocessed Oil.

ยง 119-13.1.  Definitions.

As used in this Article:

(1) "Lubricating oil" means any oil classified for the use in an internal combustion engine, hydraulic system, gear box, differential, or wheel bearings.

(1a) "Recycled oil" means any oil prepared from used oil for energy recovery or reuse as a petroleum product by reclaiming, reprocessing, rerefining, or other means that use properly treated used oil as a substitute for petroleum products.

(1b) "Rerefined oil" means used oil that is refined to remove the physical and chemical contaminants acquired through use and that, by itself or when blended with new lubricating oil or additives, meets applicable American Petroleum Institute (A.P.I.) service classifications.

(2) "Specifications" means the minimum chemical properties or analysis as determined by the American Society for Testing Materials (A.S.T.M.) test methods using current ASTM analytical procedures.

(3) "Used oil" means any oil that has been refined from crude or synthetic oil and, as a result of use, storage, or handling becomes unsuitable for its original purpose due to the loss of its original properties or the presence of impurities, but that may be rerefined for further use. (1953, c. 1137; 1979, c. 158, s. 1; 1995, c. 516, s. 1.)