Part 2A. Registration of Water Withdrawals and Transfers; Regulation of Surface Water Transfers.

ยง 143-215.22G.  Definitions.

In addition to the definitions set forth in G.S. 143-212 and G.S. 143-213, the following definitions apply to this Part.

(1) "Mainstem" means that portion of a river having the same name as a river basin defined in subdivision (1b) of this section. "Mainstem" does not include named or unnamed tributaries.

(1a) "Public water system" means any unit of local government or large community water system subject to the requirements of G.S. 143-355(l).

(1b) "River basin" means any of the following river basins designated on the map entitled "Major River Basins and Sub-basins in North Carolina" and filed in the Office of the Secretary of State on 16 April 1991. The term "river basin" includes any portion of the river basin that extends into another state. Any area outside North Carolina that is not included in one of the river basins listed in this subdivision comprises a separate river basin.

a. 1-1 Broad River.

b. 2-1 Haw River.

c. 2-2 Deep River.

d. 2-3 Cape Fear River.

e. 2-4 South River.

f. 2-5 Northeast Cape Fear River.

g. 2-6 New River.

h. 3-1 Catawba River.

i. 3-2 South Fork Catawba River.

j. 4-1 Chowan River.

k. 4-2 Meherrin River.

l. 5-1 Nolichucky River.

m. 5-2 French Broad River.

n. 5-3 Pigeon River.

o. 6-1 Hiwassee River.

p. 7-1 Little Tennessee River.

q. 7-2 Tuskasegee (Tuckasegee) River.

r. 8-1 Savannah River.

s. 9-1 Lumber River.

t. 9-2 Big Shoe Heel Creek.

u. 9-3 Waccamaw River.

v. 9-4 Shallotte River.

w. 10-1 Neuse River.

x. 10-2 Contentnea Creek.

y. 10-3 Trent River.

z. 11-1 New River.

aa. 12-1 Albemarle Sound.

bb. 13-1 Ocoee River.

cc. 14-1 Roanoke River.

dd. 15-1 Tar River.

ee. 15-2 Fishing Creek.

ff. 15-3 Pamlico River and Sound.

gg. 16-1 Watauga River.

hh. 17-1 White Oak River.

ii. 18-1 Yadkin (Yadkin-Pee Dee) River.

jj. 18-2 South Yadkin River.

kk. 18-3 Uwharrie River.

ll. 18-4 Rocky River.

(2) "Surface water" means any of the waters of the State located on the land surface that are not derived by pumping from groundwater.

(3) "Transfer" means the withdrawal, diversion, or pumping of surface water from one river basin and discharge of all or any part of the water in a river basin different from the origin. However, notwithstanding the basin definitions in G.S. 143-215.22G(1b), the following are not transfers under this Part:

a. The discharge of water upstream from the point where it is withdrawn.

b. The discharge of water downstream from the point where it is withdrawn. (1991, c. 712, s. 1; 1993, c. 348, s. 1; 1997-443, s. 15.48(b); 2013-388, s. 1.)