ยง 143-215.8A.  Planning.

(a) Policy, Purpose and Intent. - The Commission and Department shall undertake a continuing planning process to develop and adopt plans and programs to assure that the policy, purpose and intent declared in this Article are carried out with regard to establishing and enforcing standards of water purity designed to protect human health, to prevent injury to plant and animal life, to prevent damage to public and private property, to enhance the quality of the environment, to insure the continued enjoyment of the natural attractions of the State, to encourage the expansion of employment opportunities, to provide a permanent foundation for healthy industrial development, and to insure the beneficial use of the water resources of the State.

(b) Goals. - The goals of the continuing planning process shall be the enhancement of the quality of life and protection of the environment through development by the Commission of water quality plans and programs utilizing the resources of the State on a priority basis to attain, maintain, and enhance water quality standards and water purity throughout the State.

(c) Statewide and Regional Planning. - The planning process may be conducted on a statewide or regional basis, as the Commission shall determine appropriate. If the Commission elects to proceed on a regional basis, it shall delineate the boundaries of each region by preparation of appropriate maps; by description referring to geographical features, established landmarks or political boundaries; or such other manner that the extent and limits of each region shall be easily ascertainable. The Commission shall consult officials and agencies of localities and regions in the development of plans affecting those areas.

(d) Local Planning Organizations. - The Commission shall submit to the Governor or his designee any plans, projections, data, comments or recommendations that he may request. If the Governor determines that the goals of this section will be more expeditiously and efficiently achieved, he may designate a representative organization, capable of carrying out a planning process for any region of the State or area therein, to develop plans, consistent with the State's water quality management plans, for the control or abatement of water pollution within such region or area. The Commission shall consult with, advise, and assist any organization so designated in the preparation of its plans and shall submit to the Governor the Commission's comments and recommendations regarding such plans. All such organizations shall submit plans developed by them to the Governor for review, and no plan shall be effective until concurred in and approved by him.

(e) Interstate Planning Regions. - The Governor may consult and cooperate with the governor of any adjoining state in establishing an interstate planning region or area and in designating a representative organization, capable of carrying out a planning process for the region or area, to develop plans, consistent with the State's water quality management plans, for the control or abatement of water pollution within such region or area, if he determines that such region or area has common water quality control problems for which an interstate plan would be most effective.

(f) Repealed by Session Laws 1987, c. 827, s. 166. (1973, c. 698, s. 13; c. 1262, s. 23; 1977, c. 771, s. 4; 1987, c. 827, ss. 154, 166.)