Part 2. Regulation of the Use of Pesticides.

ยง 143-440.  Restricted use pesticides regulated.

(a) The Board may, by regulation after a public hearing, adopt and from time to time revise a list of restricted use pesticides for the State or for designated areas within the State. The Board may designate any pesticide or device as a "restricted use pesticide" upon the grounds that, in the judgment of the Board (either because of its persistence, its toxicity, or otherwise) it is so hazardous or injurious to persons, pollinating insects, animals, crops, wildlife, lands, or the environment, other than the pests it is intended to prevent, destroy, control, or mitigate that additional restriction on its sale, purpose, use or possession are required.

(b) The Board may include in any such restricted use regulation the time and conditions of sale, distribution, or use of such restricted use pesticides, may prohibit the use of any restricted use pesticide for designated purposes or at designated times; may require the purchaser or user to certify that restricted use pesticides will be used only as labeled or as further restricted by regulation; may require the certification and recertification of private applicators, and charge a fee of up to ten dollars ($10.00), with the fee set at a level to make the certification/recertification program self-supporting, and, after opportunity for a hearing, may suspend, revoke or modify the certification for violation of any provision of this Article, or any rule or regulation adopted thereunder; may adopt rules to classify private applicators; and may, if it deems it necessary to carry out the provisions of this Part, require that any or all restricted use pesticides shall be purchased, possessed, or used only under permit of the Board and under its direct supervision in certain areas and/or under certain conditions or in certain quantities or concentrations except that any person licensed to sell such pesticides may purchase and possess such pesticides without a permit. The Board may require all persons issued such permits to maintain records as to the use of the restricted use pesticides. The Board may authorize the use of restricted use pesticides by persons licensed under the North Carolina Structural Pest Control Act without a permit. A nonrefundable fee of ten dollars ($10.00) shall be charged for each examination required by this section. This examination fee is in addition to the certification or recertification fee, and any other fee authorized pursuant to any other provision of Article 4C of Chapter 106 of the General Statutes.

(c) A fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be charged for examination of individuals seeking to be designated as Worker Protection Designated Trainers, in accordance with provisions of the Federal Worker Protection Standard set forth in 40 C.F.R. Part 170, and subsequent amendments to those regulations. (1971, c. 832, s. 1; 1979, c. 448, s. 1; 1981, c. 592, s. 1; 1987, c. 559, s. 2; c. 846; 2010-31, s. 11.1(a); 2014-100, s. 13.10(a); 2014-103, s. 16.)