ยง 143-468. Disposition of fees and charges.
(a) Except as provided in G.S. 143-469 and in subsection (b), all fees and charges received by the Board under this Article shall be credited to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for the purpose of administration and enforcement of this Article.
(b) The Pesticide Environmental Trust Fund is established as a nonreverting account within the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services shall administer the Fund. The additional assessment imposed by G.S. 143-442(b) on the registration of a brand or grade of pesticide shall be credited to the Fund. The Department shall distribute money in the Fund as follows:
(1) Two and one-half percent (2.5%) to North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service to enhance its agromedicine efforts in cooperation with East Carolina University School of Medicine.
(2) Two and one-half percent (2.5%) to East Carolina University School of Medicine to enhance its agromedicine efforts in cooperation with North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service.
(3) Twenty percent (20%) to North Carolina State University, Department of Toxicology, to establish and maintain an extension agromedicine specialist position.
(4) Seventy-five percent (75%) to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for the costs of administering its pesticide disposal program, including the salaries and support of staff for the pesticide disposal program, and for its environmental programs, as directed by the Board, including establishing a pesticide container management program to enhance its pesticide disposal program and its water quality initiatives. (1971, c. 832, s. 1; 1993, c. 481, s. 1; 1997-261, s. 92; 1998-215, s. 26(b); 2005-276, s. 11.1.)