Article 56.

Emergency Medical Services Act of 1973.

ยง 143-507.  Establishment of Statewide Emergency Medical Services System.

(a) There is established a comprehensive Statewide Emergency Medical Services System in the Department of Health and Human Services. All responsibility for this System shall be vested in the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and other officers, boards, and commissions specified by law or regulation.

(b) The Statewide Medical Services System includes Emergency Medical Services and also includes first aid by members of the community; public knowledge and easy access into the system; prompt emergency medical dispatch of well-designed, equipped, and staffed ambulances; effective care by trained and credentialed personnel with appropriate disposition at the scene of the emergency and while in transit; communications with the treatment center while at the scene and while in transit; routing and referral to the appropriate treatment facility; injury prevention initiatives; wellness initiatives within the community and the public health system; and follow-up lifesaving and restorative care.

(c) The purpose of this Article is to enable and assist providers of Emergency Medical Services in the delivery of adequate emergency medical services for all people of North Carolina and the provision of medical care during a disaster.

(d) Emergency Medical Services as referred to in this Article include all services rendered by emergency medical services personnel as defined in G.S. 131E-155(7) in responding to improve the health and wellness of the community and to address the individual's need for immediate emergency medical care in order to prevent loss of life or further aggravation of physiological or psychological illness or injury. (1973, c. 208, s. 1; 1997-443, s. 11A.118(a); 2001-220, s. 1.)