ยง 143-787. Establishment of Employee Classification Section.
(a) The Employee Classification Section is established within the Industrial Commission.
(b) The Chairman shall appoint a director of the Section to serve at the Chairman's pleasure with such authority as the Chairman deems necessary to direct and oversee the Section in carrying out the purposes of this Article.
(c) The Chairman may employ clerical staff, investigators, and other staff within the Section as is necessary for the Section to perform its duties under this Article.
(d) The State Chief Information Officer shall ensure that the Section is provided with all necessary access to the Government Data Analytics Center and all other information technology services.
(e) The Secretary of Revenue, the Commissioner of Labor, the Chairman, and the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for the Division of Employment Security shall each designate an employee of their respective agencies to serve as liaisons to the Section. (2017-203, s. 1; 2019-200, s. 3.)