§ 143B-1457.2.  Report on prison personnel matters.

The Department shall report the following information to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Justice and Public Safety by February 1 of each year:

(1) The number of Department employees charged with the commission of a criminal offense committed in a State prison and during the employee's work hours. The information shall be provided by State facility and shall specify the offense charged and the outcome of the charge.

(2) The number of employees disciplined, demoted, or separated from service due to personal misconduct. To the extent it does not disclose confidential personnel records, the information shall be organized by type of misconduct, nature of corrective action taken, and outcome of the corrective action.

(3) The hiring and screening process, including any required credentials or skills, criminal background checks, and personality assessments. The information shall also include the process the Department uses to verify the information provided by an applicant. (2023-134, s. 19B.3.)