Part 33. North Carolina Brain Injury Advisory Council.

ยง 143B-216.65.  North Carolina Brain Injury Advisory Council - creation and duties.

There is established the North Carolina Brain Injury Advisory Council in the Department of Health and Human Services to review traumatic and other acquired brain injuries in North Carolina. The Council shall have duties including the following:

(1) Review how the term "traumatic brain injury" is defined by State and federal regulations and to determine whether changes should be made to the State definition to include "acquired brain injury" or other appropriate conditions.

(2) Promote interagency coordination among State agencies responsible for services and support of individuals that have traumatic brain injury.

(3) Study the needs of individuals with traumatic brain injury and their families.

(4) Make recommendations to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Secretary of Health and Human Services regarding the planning, development, funding, and implementation of a comprehensive statewide service delivery system.

(5) Promote and implement injury prevention strategies across the State. (2003-114, s. 1; 2009-361, s. 3.)