ยง 143C-6-4.  Budget Adjustments Authorized.

(a) Findings. - The General Assembly recognizes that even the most thorough budget deliberations may be affected by unforeseeable events; therefore, under the limited circumstances set forth in this section, the Director is authorized to adjust the enacted budget by making transfers among lines of expenditure, purposes, or programs or by increasing expenditures funded by departmental receipts.

(b) Budget Adjustments. - Notwithstanding the provisions of G.S. 143C-6-1, a State agency may, with approval of the Director of the Budget, spend more than was appropriated in the certified budget by adjusting the authorized budget for all of the following:

(1) Line items within programs. - An object or line item within a purpose or program so long as the total amount expended for the purpose or program is no more than was authorized in the certified budget for the purpose or program.

(2) Responses to extraordinary events. - A purpose or program if the overexpenditure of the purpose or program is:

a. Required by a court or Industrial Commission order;

b. Authorized under G.S. 166A-19.40(a)(1) and (c) of the North Carolina Emergency Management Act; or

c. Required to call out the North Carolina National Guard.

(3) Responses to unforeseen circumstances. - A purpose or program not subject to the provisions of subdivision (b)(2) of this subsection, if each of the following conditions is satisfied:

a. The overexpenditure is required to continue the purpose or programs due to complications or changes in circumstances that could not have been foreseen when the budget for the fiscal period was enacted.

b. The scope of the purpose or program is not increased.

c. The overexpenditure is authorized on a one-time nonrecurring basis for one year only, unless the overexpenditure is the result of (i) salary adjustments authorized by law or (ii) the establishment of time-limited positions funded with agency receipts.

(b1) If the overexpenditure would cause a department's total requirements for a fund to exceed the department's certified budget for a fiscal year for that fund by more than three percent (3%), the Director shall consult with the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations prior to authorizing the overexpenditure.

(b2) Subsection (b) of this section shall not be construed to authorize budget adjustments that cause General Fund expenditures, excluding expenditures from General Fund receipts, to exceed General Fund appropriations for a department.

(c) Overexpenditures Reported. - The Director shall report quarterly, beginning October 31, to the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations on overexpenditures approved by the Director under subdivisions (2) and (3) of subsection (b) of this section.

(d) Overexpenditures in Senate Budget. - The President Pro Tempore of the Senate may approve expenditures for more than was authorized in the enacted budget for objects or line items in the budget of the Senate.

(e) Overexpenditures in House of Representatives Budget. - The Speaker of the House of Representatives may approve expenditures for more than was authorized in the enacted budget objects or line items in the budget of the House of Representatives.

(f) Transfers Between Line Items or Programs in General Assembly Budget Other Than Senate and House of Representatives. - Expenditures exceeding amounts authorized for programs, objects, or line items in the budget of the General Assembly other than those of the Senate and House of Representatives shall be approved jointly by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

(g) Transfers in The University of North Carolina Budget. - Transfers or changes within the budget of The University of North Carolina may be made as provided in Article 1 of Chapter 116 of the General Statutes.

(h) Transfers Within the Office of the Governor. - Transfers or changes as between objects or line items in the budget of the Office of the Governor may be made by the Governor. (2006-203, s. 3; 2007-117, s. 4; 2009-281, s. 1; 2011-183, s. 127(c); 2012-12, s. 2(x); 2013-360, s. 6.12(n); 2017-102, s. 26.)