Part 6. Unmanned Aircraft Traffic Control Devices.

§ 160D-970.  Advanced air mobility radar.

(a) A local government may plan for and regulate the siting, installation, modification, maintenance, and removal of advanced air mobility radar for traffic control of unmanned aircraft systems flown in accordance with Article 10 of Chapter 63 of the General Statutes.

(b) Nothing contained in this Part shall amend, modify, or otherwise affect any easement between private parties. Any and all rights for the use of a right-of-way are subject to the rights granted pursuant to an easement between private parties.

(c) A local government may require a permit applicant to remove abandoned advanced air mobility radar within 180 days of abandonment. If not timely removed, the local government may remove the abandoned advanced air mobility radar and may recover the actual cost of such removal, including legal fees, if any, from the permit applicant.

(d) Nothing in this Part shall be construed to limit the provisions or requirements of any historic district or landmark regulation adopted pursuant to this Chapter.  (2024-45, s. 23(a).)