ยง 18B-705.  Compliance with performance standards; remedies.

(a) Local Board Compliance. - The Commission shall establish performance standards pursuant to G.S. 18B-203(a)(20). The Commission shall ensure that all local boards comply with established performance standards by conducting regular or special audits, conducting performance evaluations, or taking other measures, which may include inspections by Commission auditors or alcohol law enforcement agents.

(b) Performance Improvement Plans. - The Commission, upon determining that a local board is failing to meet performance standards established pursuant to G.S. 18B-203(a)(20), shall meet with the chair of the local board and the appointing authority and issue a statement of findings. The appointing authority, in consultation with the Commission and the local board, shall develop and deliver a performance improvement plan to the local board within 60 days of the meeting with the Commission. The performance improvement plan shall include, but not be limited to, recommendations for improved performance based on the performance standards established by the Commission. The plan shall also state a period of time in which the performance improvements are to occur and what action will be taken by the Commission if performance standards are not met within the given time limits. The appointing authority shall allow up to, but no more than, 12 months' time to the local board to implement and show improvement under the performance improvement plan. The local appointing authority, in consultation with the Commission and upon good cause shown, may allow up to an additional six-month period of time for the local board to meet all requirements in the performance improvement plan and to establish that the performance standards established by the Commission are met.

(c) Remedies. - If the Commission determines that the established performance standards identified in the statement of findings cannot be met after a performance improvement plan has been implemented and adequate time has been given, but in no case less than 12 months, the Commission shall take appropriate action to avoid insolvency. This action may include closing the board pursuant to G.S. 18B-801(d), closing a store or multiple stores, or merging the local board with another local board in order to maintain solvency. The Commission may also seize the assets of the local board and liquidate any assets necessary to satisfy any debt in order to maintain the solvency of the local board. Prior to taking action pursuant to this subsection, the Commission shall issue a notice of intent to take such action to the appointing authority and the local board.

(d) Local Acts. - Notwithstanding the provisions of any local act, this section applies to all local boards. (2010-122, s. 20.)