ยง 28A-21-6. Permissive notice of final accounts.
The personal representative or collector may, but is not required to, give written notice of a proposed final account pursuant to G.S. 1A-1, Rule 4, to all devisees of the estate in the case of testacy, and to all heirs of the estate in the case of intestacy, of the date and place of filing of such account. In giving written notice, the personal representative shall attach a copy of the proposed final accounting with exhibits made a part thereof, but is not required to include copies of vouchers, account statements, or other supporting evidence submitted to the clerk. If the personal representative or collector elects to provide this notice, the personal representative or collector shall file with the clerk of superior court a certificate indicating that this notice has been given to all devisees and heirs. Notwithstanding any right to appeal an order or judgment under G.S. 1-301.3, any payment, distribution, action, or other matter disclosed on such account or any annual account for the estate attached to the written notice must be objected to by a devisee or heir within 30 days after the receipt of the written notice or will be deemed to be accepted by the devisee or heir. (2011-344, s. 4; 2012-18, s. 3.8.)