Article 5.
Renunciation by Personal Representative.
ยง 28A-5-1. Renunciation by executor.
(a) Express Renunciation by Executor. - Any person named or designated as executor in a duly probated will may renounce the office by filing with the clerk of superior court a writing signed by such person, and acknowledged or proved to the satisfaction of the clerk.
(b) Implied Renunciation by Executor. - If any person named or designated as executor fails to qualify or to renounce within 30 days after the will had been admitted to probate, (i) the clerk of superior court may issue a notice to that person to qualify or move for an extension of time to qualify within 15 days, or (ii) any other person named or designated as executor in the will or any interested person may file a petition in accordance with Article 2 of this Chapter for an order finding that person named or designated as executor to be deemed to have renounced. If that person does not file a response to the notice or petition within 15 days from the date of service of the notice or petition, the clerk of superior court shall enter an order adjudging that the person has renounced. If the person files a response within 15 days from the date of service of the notice or petition requesting an extension of time within which to qualify or renounce, upon hearing, the clerk of superior court may grant to that person a reasonable extension of time within which to qualify or renounce for cause shown. If that person qualifies within 15 days of the date of service of the notice or petition, the clerk of superior court shall dismiss that notice or petition, without prejudice, summarily and without hearing.
(c) Procedure upon Renunciation. - Upon renunciation by a person named or designated as executor, letters shall be issued to some other person as provided in G.S. 28A-4-1. (C.C.P., ss. 450, 451; Code, ss. 2163, 2164; Rev., ss. 10, 13; C.S., ss. 13, 16; 1931, c. 183; 1953, c. 78, s. 1; 1973, c. 1329, s. 3; 2011-344, s. 4; 2012-194, s. 13(a).)