ยง 47A-19.  Bylaws; contents.

The bylaws shall provide for the following:

(1) Form of administration, indicating whether this shall be in charge of an administrator, manager, or of a board of directors or board of administration, independent corporate body, or otherwise, and specifying the powers, manner of removal, and, where proper, the compensation thereof.

(2) Method of calling or summoning the unit owners to assemble; what percentage, if other than a majority of unit owners, shall constitute a quorum; who is to preside over the meeting and who will keep the minute book wherein the resolutions shall be recorded.

(3) Maintenance, repair and replacement of the common areas and facilities and payments therefor, including the method of approving payment vouchers.

(4) Manner of collecting from the unit owners their share of the  common expenses.

(5) Designation and removal of personnel necessary for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the common areas and facilities.

(6) Method of adopting and of amending administrative rules and regulations governing the details of the operation and use of the common areas and facilities.

(7) Such restrictions on and requirements respecting the use and maintenance of the units and the use of the common areas and facilities, not set forth in the declaration, as are designed to prevent unreasonable interference with the use of their respective units and of the common areas and facilities by the several unit owners.

(8) The percentage of votes required to amend the bylaws, and a provision that such amendment shall not become operative unless set forth in an amended declaration and duly recorded.

(9) A provision that all unit owners shall be bound to abide by any amendment upon the same being passed and duly set forth in an amended declaration, duly recorded.

(10) Other provisions as may be deemed necessary for the administration of the property consistent with this Article.  (1963, c. 685, s. 19; 1983, c. 624, s. 2.)