ยง 90-113.41A.  Deemed status.

(a) To be granted deemed status by the Board, a credentialing body of a professional discipline or its designee shall demonstrate that its substance use disorder credentialing program substantially meets the following:

(1) Each person to whom the credentialing body awards credentials following the effective date of this act meets and maintains minimum requirements in substance use disorder specific content areas. Each person also has a minimum of a master's degree with a clinical application in a human services field.

(2) The body requires 180 hours, or the equivalent thereof, of substance use disorder specific education and training that covers the following content areas:

a. Basic addiction and cross addiction Physiology and Pharmacology of Psychoactive drugs that are abused.

b. Screening, assessment, and intake of clients.

c. Individual, group, and family counseling.

d. Treatment, planning, reporting, and record keeping.

e. Crisis intervention.

f. Case management and treatment resources.

g. Ethics, legal issues, and confidentiality.

h. Psychological, emotional, personality, and developmental issues.

i. Co-occurring physical and mental disabilities.

j. Special population issues, including age, gender, race, ethnicity, and health status.

k. Traditions and philosophies of recovery treatment models and support groups.

(3) The program requires one year or its equivalent of post-degree supervised clinical substance use disorder practice. At least fifty percent (50%) of the practice shall consist of direct substance use disorder clinical care.

(b) The professional discipline seeking deemed status shall require its members to adhere to a code of ethical conduct and shall enforce that code with disciplinary action.

(c) The Board may grant deemed status to any professional discipline that substantially meets the standards in this section. Once such status has been granted, an individual within the professional discipline may apply to the Board for the credential of licensed clinical addictions specialist.

(d) The Standards Committee of the Board shall review the standards of each professional discipline every third year from the date it was granted deemed status to determine if the discipline continues to substantially meet the requirements of this section. If the Committee finds that a professional discipline no longer meets the requirements of this section, it shall report its findings to the Board at the Board's next regularly scheduled meeting. The deemed status standing of a professional discipline's credential may be discontinued by a two-thirds vote of the Board. (1997-492, s. 11; 2005-431, s. 1; 2019-240, s. 8(k).)