ยง 90-113.44.  Grounds for disciplinary action.

(a) Grounds for disciplinary action for an applicant or credentialed professional include:

(1) The employment of fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation in obtaining or attempting to obtain licensure, certification, or registration or renewal of licensure, certification, or registration.

(2) The use of drugs or alcoholic beverages to the extent that professional competency is affected.

(2a) The use of drugs or alcoholic beverages to the extent that a substance use disorder professional suffers impairment.

(3) Conviction of an offense under any municipal, State, or federal law other than traffic laws as prescribed by Chapter 20 of the General Statutes.

(4) Conviction of a felony or other public offense involving moral turpitude. Conviction of a Class A-E felony shall result in an immediate suspension of licensure, certification, or registration for a minimum of one year.

(5) An adjudication of insanity or incompetency, until proof of recovery from this condition can be established by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist.

(6) Engaging in any act or practice in violation of any of the provisions of this Article or any of the rules adopted pursuant to it, or aiding, abetting, or assisting any other person in such a violation.

(7) The commission of an act of malpractice, gross negligence, or incompetence while serving as a substance use disorder professional, intern, or registrant.

(8) Repealed by Session Laws 2005-431, s. 1, effective September 22, 2005.

(9) Engaging in conduct that could result in harm or injury to the public.

(10) Entering into a dual relationship that impairs professional judgment or increases the risk of exploitation with a client or supervisee.

(11) Practicing as a credentialed substance use disorder professional outside of his or her scope of practice pursuant to G.S. 90-113.31B.

(b) Denial of an applicant's licensure, certification, or registration or the granting of licensure, certification, or registration on a probationary or other conditional status shall be subject to substantially the same rules and procedures prescribed by the Board for review and disciplinary actions against any person holding a license, certificate, or registration. A suspension of a credential resulting from impairment due to substance use, mental health, or medical disorder shall be imposed for at least six months beginning from the date of successful discharge from a residential substance use disorder treatment program or other appropriate treatment modality determined as a result of an assessment by a Board-approved assessor. Disciplinary actions involving a clinical addictions specialist whose licensure is achieved through deemed status shall be initially heard by the specialist's credentialing body. The specialist may appeal the body's decision to the Board. The Board shall, however, have the discretionary authority to hear the initial disciplinary action involving a credentialed professional. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 685, s. 1; 1997-492, s. 14; 2001-370, s. 7; 2005-431, s. 1; 2019-240, s. 8(n).)