Bill Summaries and Explanatory Memos for HB 149 - 2023-2024 Session

2023-2024 Session

Summary SortKey Description Last Updated
H149-SMBR-152(CCSMC-7)-v-2 Disaster Recovery Act of 2024. 10/09/2024
H149-SMCH-54(sl)-v-6 000009 .0001, 9.000002 Elections Modifications 10/21/2024
H149-SMRQ-102(sl)-v-3 000008 .000003 Sec. 8.3: Completion of the EPP Clinical Internship Requirement for Certain Students Impacted by Hurricane Helene or PTC8 12/16/2024
H149-SMSH-122(sl)-v-3 000012 .000002 Sec. 12.2: Relief From Temporary Employment Restrictions 12/19/2024
H149-SMTC-22(e1)-v-3 Remote Charter Academies. 03/07/2023
H149-SMTC-25(e2)-v-1 Remote Charter Academies. 03/07/2023
H149-SMTC-43(e2)-v-2 Remote Charter Academies. 04/04/2023
H149-SMTC-46(CSTC-15)-v-2 Remote & Virtual Charter/CC Pres Confirmation. 04/04/2023