Bill Summaries and Explanatory Memos for SB 607 - 2023-2024 Session
2023-2024 Session
Showing 1 to 44 of 44 summaries
Summary | SortKey | Description | Last Updated |
S607-SMBB-27(sl)-v-7 | 000023 .000005 | Sec. 23.5: Allow a Seller of a Manufactured Sign to Repossess the Sign if the Buyer Fails to Pay | 09/06/2024 |
S607-SMBC-153(sl)-v-5 | 000004 | Sec. 4: Increase the Amount of Training Required for Licensure by the North Carolina Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy | 09/04/2024 |
S607-SMBC-154(sl)-v-3 | 000007 | Sec. 7: Facilitate the Elimination of Nonresponsive Boards, Committees, and Commissions | 09/04/2024 |
S607-SMBG-85(sl)-v-5 | 000024 | Sec. 24: Require Transparency in Sale or Resale of Entertainment Event Tickets | 09/06/2024 |
S607-SMBG-86(sl)-v-4 | 000022 .000001 | Sec. 22.1: Delivery of Permits Issued by State Agencies | 09/09/2024 |
S607-SMBP-93(sl)-v-3 | 000017 | Sec. 17: Exempt Certain Food Service Establishments from Septage Management Firm Permitting Requirements | 09/06/2024 |
S607-SMBR-123(CSBRf-29)-v-23 | Regulatory Reform Act of 2024. | 06/26/2024 | |
S607-SMBR-126(e4)-v-2 | Regulatory Reform Act of 2024. | 06/26/2024 | |
S607-SMBR-127(e5)-v-7 | Regulatory Reform Act of 2024. | 09/12/2024 | |
S607-SMBR-129(sl)-v-7 | 000008 | Sec. 8: Delay Fisheries Harvest Reporting System by One Year | 09/04/2024 |
S607-SMBR-130(sl)-v-9 | 000010 | Sec. 10: Prohibit the Acquisition of Quartz Mining Operations and Lands Containing High Purity Quartz by Foreign Governments Designated as Adversarial by the United States Department of Commerce | 09/05/2024 |
S607-SMBR-132(sl)-v-9 | 000014 | Sec. 14: Remove Time Limits on Certain Viable Utility Reserve Grants | 09/05/2024 |
S607-SMBR-133(sl)-v-10 | 000016 .000001 | Sec. 16.1: Exclude Aquaculture from the Definition of "Development" for Purposes of CAMA and Limit the Authority of the Marine Fisheries Commission to Adopt Rules Regulating Aquaculture Equipment | 09/11/2024 |
S607-SMBR-134(sl)-v-6 | 000026 | Sec. 26: Technical Correction to Restore Deleted Language Concerning Forced Connection of County Sewer, Originally Enacted in S.L. 2023-90 and S.L. 2023-108 | 09/06/2024 |
S607-SMBR-135(sl)-v-9 | 000027 | Sec. 27: Coal Combustion Residual Report Revision | 09/12/2024 |
S607-SMBR-136(sl)-v-9 | 000029 | Sec. 29: Combine Stormwater Grant Report With Water Infrastructure Reports | 09/19/2024 |
S607-SMBR-137(sl)-v-10 | 000030 | Sec. 30: Require Annual River Basin Advisory Commission Report Only in Years When the Commission Meets | 09/19/2024 |
S607-SMCC-52(sl)-v-7 | 000003 | Sec. 3: Exempt Certain Activities From Requiring Licensure as a Barber or Cosmetologist | 09/19/2024 |
S607-SMCC-53(sl)-v-5 | 000006 | Sec. 6: Amend Effective Dates for Rules Submitted to the Codifier of Rules by Certain Agencies Exempt From the Standard Rulemaking Process | 09/19/2024 |
S607-SMCC-54(sl)-v-8 | 000012 | Sec. 12: Prohibit Public Water and Sewer Systems from Imposing Unauthorized Conditions and Implementing Preference Systems for Allocating Service for Residential Development | 09/06/2024 |
S607-SMCC-55(sl)-v-9 | 000015 | Sec. 15: Exemption From State Park Fees for Eligible Disabled Veterans | 09/19/2024 |
S607-SMCC-64(sl)-v-3 | 000005 | Sec. 5: Repeal the Residency Requirement for Electrologists | 09/04/2024 |
S607-SMCM-29(sl)-v-8 | 000022 .000005 | Sec. 22.5: Clarify Prohibition on Counties and Cities Enacting and Enforcing Certain Ordinances, Rules, and Regulations Related to Battery-Charged Security Fences | 09/06/2024 |
S607-SMCO-18(sl)-v-8 | 000023 .000001 | Sec. 23.1: Reconstruction and Removal of On-Premises Advertising Signs | 09/09/2024 |
S607-SMCT-3(sl)-v-6 | 000031 | Sec. 31: Eliminate Annual Report on State Employees Who Have Been Work First Recipients | 09/09/2024 |
S607-SMRI-78(sl)-v-7 | 000011 | Sec. 11: Expand Requirements for Issuance of 401 Certifications by the Department of Environmental Quality to Projects Located at an Existing or Former Electric Generating Facility | 09/05/2024 |
S607-SMRI-79(sl)-v-5 | 000013 | Sec. 13: Natural Gas Local Distribution Companies Cost Recovery Modifications | 09/05/2024 |
S607-SMRI-80(sl)-v-8 | 000015 .000001 | Sec. 15.1: Amend Statutes and Rules Applicable to Dock, Pier, and Walkway Replacement in the Coastal Area | 09/11/2024 |
S607-SMRI-81(sl)-v-8 | 000016 | Sec. 16: Authorize Establishment of a Measurement Line for Dune Building Projects Conducted Pursuant to Permitted Terminal Groin Construction | 09/06/2024 |
S607-SMRI-82(sl)-v-10 | 000016 .000001A | Sec. 16.1A: Authorize Replacement of Certain Erosion Control Structures | 09/27/2024 |
S607-SMRI-88(sl)-v-6 | 000028 | Sec. 28: Require the Department of Environmental Quality to Report Quarterly on Applications for Permits Required for Natural Gas Pipelines and Gas-Fired Electric Generating Facilities | 09/09/2024 |
S607-SMRN-104(sl)-v-7 | 000023 | Sec. 23: Advanced Air Mobility Radar Systems | 09/06/2024 |
S607-SMRN-29(e1)-v-9 | Temporary Solutions Program Changes. | 04/18/2023 | |
S607-SMRN-33(e2)-v-3 | Temporary Solutions Program Changes. | 04/19/2023 | |
S607-SMSA-78(sl)-v-7 | 000009 | Sec. 9: Increase Penalty Property Crimes Against Critical Infrastructure | 09/05/2024 |
S607-SMSH-119(sl)-v-4 | 000018 | Sec. 18: Amend Outdoor Grill Exemption for Food Establishments to Include Additional Cooking Surfaces | 09/06/2024 |
S607-SMSU-53(sl)-v-5 | 000019 | Sec. 19: Clarify Minimum Age for Escort Vehicle Drivers, Allow Third Party Training and Certification, and Create Additional Requirements for Escort Vehicles | 09/09/2024 |
S607-SMSU-54(sl)-v-5 | 000019 .000001 | Sec. 19.1: Authorize Department of Transportation to Utilize Contract Methodology Flexibility for National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program Projects | 09/09/2024 |
S607-SMSU-55(sl)-v-4 | 000019 .000002 | Sec. 19.2: Division of Motor Vehicles Modernization | 09/09/2024 |
S607-SMSU-56(sl)-v-4 | 000019 .000003 | Sec. 19.3: North Carolina Railroad Board of Directors and Related Clarifications | 09/09/2024 |
S607-SMSU-57(sl)-v-6 | 000019 .000004 | Sec. 19.4: Authorize Rail Transportation Corridor Authority | 09/09/2024 |
S607-SMSV-204(sl)-v-6 | 000022 | Sec. 22: Require Additional Means of Notice to Advertise Property Tax Liens in Addition to Those Currently Required by Law | 09/06/2024 |
S607-SMTM-57(sl)-v-5 | 000021 | Sec. 21: Delay Sunset for Certain Design-Build Contracts Using Federal Funds | 09/06/2024 |
S607-SMTM-58(sl)-v-5 | 000032 | Sec. 32: Eliminate Connect NC Bond Report | 09/06/2024 |