
Session Year 2015

All Utilities Summaries
Session Law SlSort1 SLSort2 Bill BillSort1 BillSort2 Summary
SL 2015-246 2015 0246 H44 H 0044 Local Government Regulatory Reform 2015, Sec. 9: Leases of Property by Local Governments for Communication Towers
SL 2015-241 2015 0241 H97 H 0097 2015 Appropriations Act, Sec. 29.18: Report/Use of Coal Combustion Residuals
SL 2015-134 2015 0134 H356 H 0356 North Carolina Utilities Commission Regulatory Fee Changes
SL 2015-219 2015 0219 H512 H 0512 Amend/Clarify Back-Up Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) Requirements
SL 2015-261 2015 0261 H730 H 0730 Next Generation 911
SL 2015-286 2015 0286 H765 H 0765 Regulatory Reform Act of 2015, Sec. 3.12: Amend Underground Damage Prevention Review Board, Enforcement, and Civil Penalties
SL 2015-286 2015 0286 H765 H 0765 Regulatory Reform Act of 2015, Sec. 4.21: Study Exempting Linear Utility Projects from Certain Environmental Regulations
SL 2015-119 2015 0119 S88 S 0088 Pole Attachment Disputes
SL 2015-264 2015 0264 S119 S 0119 GSC Technical Corrections 2015, Sec. 46: Amend Experience for Membership on the 911 Board
SL 2015-3 2015 0003 S305 S 0305 NCEMPA Asset Sale
SL 2015-110 2015 0110 S716 S 0716 Mountain Energy Act of 2015, Sec. 1: Expedited Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity
SL 2015-110 2015 0110 S716 S 0716 Mountain Energy Act of 2015, Sec. 2: Modifications to Certain Requirements for Coal Ash Management at the Asheville Steam Electric Generating Plant