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Rep. Jay Adams
Rep. Eric Ager
Rep. Jonathan L. Almond
Rep. Vernetta Alston
Rep. Dean Arp
Rep. Amber M. Baker
Rep. Jennifer Balkcom
Rep. Cynthia Ball
Rep. Mary Belk
Rep. John R. Bell, IV
Rep. Brian Biggs
Rep. Hugh Blackwell
Rep. John M. Blust
Rep. Jerry "Alan" Branson
Rep. William D. Brisson
Rep. Cecil Brockman
Rep. Mark Brody
Rep. Gloristine Brown
Rep. Kanika Brown
Rep. Terry M. Brown Jr.
Rep. Allen Buansi
Rep. Laura Budd
Rep. Deb Butler
Rep. Celeste C. Cairns
Rep. Grant L. Campbell, MD
Rep. Becky Carney
Rep. Todd Carver
Rep. Maria Cervania
Rep. Allen Chesser
Rep. Mike Clampitt
Rep. Tracy Clark
Rep. Bryan Cohn
Rep. Mike Colvin
Rep. Tricia Ann Cotham
Rep. Sarah Crawford
Rep. Carla D. Cunningham
Rep. Allison A. Dahle
Rep. Ted Davis, Jr.
Rep. Aisha O. Dew
Rep. Jimmy Dixon
Rep. Brian Echevarria
Rep. Blair Eddins
Rep. Wyatt Gable
Rep. Karl E. Gillespie
Rep. Edward C. Goodwin
Rep. Dudley Greene
Rep. Julia Greenfield
Rep. Destin Hall
Rep. Kyle Hall
Rep. Pricey Harrison
Rep. Kelly E. Hastings
Rep. Zack Hawkins
Rep. Beth Helfrich
Rep. Julia C. Howard
Rep. Chris Humphrey
Rep. Cody Huneycutt
Rep. Frank Iler
Rep. Frances Jackson, PhD
Rep. Neal Jackson
Rep. B. Ray Jeffers
Rep. Joe John (Resigned 1/21/2025)
Rep. Jake Johnson
Rep. Monika Johnson-Hostler
Rep. Abe Jones
Rep. Brenden H. Jones
Rep. Keith Kidwell
Rep. Donny Lambeth
Rep. Ya Liu
Rep. Donnie Loftis
Rep. Brandon Lofton
Rep. Carolyn G. Logan
Rep. Tim Longest
Rep. Jordan Lopez
Rep. Jarrod Lowery
Rep. Nasif Majeed
Rep. Jeffrey C. McNeely
Rep. Charles W. Miller
Rep. Marcia Morey
Rep. Ben T. Moss, Jr.
Rep. Erin Paré
Rep. Howard Penny, Jr.
Rep. Ray Pickett
Rep. Garland E. Pierce
Rep. Rodney D. Pierce
Rep. Joseph Pike
Rep. Dante Pittman
Rep. Mark Pless
Rep. Larry W. Potts
Rep. Lindsey Prather
Rep. Renée A. Price
Rep. A. Reece Pyrtle, Jr.
Rep. Amos L. Quick, III
Rep. Timothy Reeder, MD
Rep. Robert T. Reives, II
Rep. Heather H. Rhyne
Rep. Dennis Riddell
Rep. James Roberson
Rep. Stephen M. Ross
Rep. Phil Rubin (Appointed 1/29/2025)
Rep. John Sauls
Rep. Mike Schietzelt
Rep. Paul Scott
Rep. Mitchell S. Setzer
Rep. Phil Shepard
Rep. Carson Smith
Rep. Charles Smith
Rep. Sarah Stevens
Rep. Larry C. Strickland
Rep. John A. Torbett
Rep. Brian Turner
Rep. Steve Tyson
Rep. Julie von Haefen
Rep. Bill Ward
Rep. Harry Warren
Rep. Sam Watford
Rep. Diane Wheatley
Rep. Donna McDowell White
Rep. Shelly Willingham
Rep. David Willis
Rep. Matthew Winslow
Rep. Jeff Zenger
Sen. Gale Adcock
Sen. W. Ted Alexander
Sen. Val Applewhite
Sen. Lisa S. Barnes
Sen. Sydney Batch
Sen. Phil Berger
Sen. Dan Blue
Sen. Woodson Bradley
Sen. Bob Brinson
Sen. Danny Earl Britt, Jr.
Sen. Jim Burgin
Sen. Jay J. Chaudhuri
Sen. Sophia Chitlik
Sen. Kevin Corbin
Sen. David W. Craven, Jr.
Sen. Warren Daniel
Sen. Terence Everitt
Sen. Carl Ford
Sen. Amy S. Galey
Sen. Michael Garrett
Sen. Lisa Grafstein
Sen. Bobby Hanig
Sen. Ralph Hise
Sen. Mark Hollo
Sen. Brent Jackson
Sen. Steve Jarvis
Sen. Todd Johnson
Sen. Dana Jones
Sen. Michael A. Lazzara
Sen. Michael V. Lee
Sen. Paul A. Lowe, Jr.
Sen. Julie Mayfield
Sen. Tom McInnis
Sen. Graig Meyer
Sen. Timothy D. Moffitt
Sen. Mujtaba A. Mohammed
Sen. Natalie S. Murdock
Sen. Buck Newton
Sen. Paul Newton
Sen. Brad Overcash
Sen. Bill Rabon
Sen. Gladys A. Robinson
Sen. DeAndrea Salvador
Sen. Norman W. Sanderson
Sen. Benton G. Sawrey
Sen. Vickie Sawyer
Sen. Eddie D. Settle
Sen. Kandie D. Smith
Sen. Caleb Theodros
Sen. Joyce Waddell
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1999-2000 Session
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1995-1996 Session
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Rep. Jay Adams
Rep. Eric Ager
Rep. Jonathan L. Almond
Rep. Vernetta Alston
Rep. Dean Arp
Rep. Amber M. Baker
Rep. Jennifer Balkcom
Rep. Cynthia Ball
Rep. Mary Belk
Rep. John R. Bell, IV
Rep. Brian Biggs
Rep. Hugh Blackwell
Rep. John M. Blust
Rep. Jerry "Alan" Branson
Rep. William D. Brisson
Rep. Cecil Brockman
Rep. Mark Brody
Rep. Gloristine Brown
Rep. Kanika Brown
Rep. Terry M. Brown Jr.
Rep. Allen Buansi
Rep. Laura Budd
Rep. Deb Butler
Rep. Celeste C. Cairns
Rep. Grant L. Campbell, MD
Rep. Becky Carney
Rep. Todd Carver
Rep. Maria Cervania
Rep. Allen Chesser
Rep. Mike Clampitt
Rep. Tracy Clark
Rep. Bryan Cohn
Rep. Mike Colvin
Rep. Tricia Ann Cotham
Rep. Sarah Crawford
Rep. Carla D. Cunningham
Rep. Allison A. Dahle
Rep. Ted Davis, Jr.
Rep. Aisha O. Dew
Rep. Jimmy Dixon
Rep. Brian Echevarria
Rep. Blair Eddins
Rep. Wyatt Gable
Rep. Karl E. Gillespie
Rep. Edward C. Goodwin
Rep. Dudley Greene
Rep. Julia Greenfield
Rep. Destin Hall
Rep. Kyle Hall
Rep. Pricey Harrison
Rep. Kelly E. Hastings
Rep. Zack Hawkins
Rep. Beth Helfrich
Rep. Julia C. Howard
Rep. Chris Humphrey
Rep. Cody Huneycutt
Rep. Frank Iler
Rep. Frances Jackson, PhD
Rep. Neal Jackson
Rep. B. Ray Jeffers
Rep. Joe John (Resigned 1/21/2025)
Rep. Jake Johnson
Rep. Monika Johnson-Hostler
Rep. Abe Jones
Rep. Brenden H. Jones
Rep. Keith Kidwell
Rep. Donny Lambeth
Rep. Ya Liu
Rep. Donnie Loftis
Rep. Brandon Lofton
Rep. Carolyn G. Logan
Rep. Tim Longest
Rep. Jordan Lopez
Rep. Jarrod Lowery
Rep. Nasif Majeed
Rep. Jeffrey C. McNeely
Rep. Charles W. Miller
Rep. Marcia Morey
Rep. Ben T. Moss, Jr.
Rep. Erin Paré
Rep. Howard Penny, Jr.
Rep. Ray Pickett
Rep. Garland E. Pierce
Rep. Rodney D. Pierce
Rep. Joseph Pike
Rep. Dante Pittman
Rep. Mark Pless
Rep. Larry W. Potts
Rep. Lindsey Prather
Rep. Renée A. Price
Rep. A. Reece Pyrtle, Jr.
Rep. Amos L. Quick, III
Rep. Timothy Reeder, MD
Rep. Robert T. Reives, II
Rep. Heather H. Rhyne
Rep. Dennis Riddell
Rep. James Roberson
Rep. Stephen M. Ross
Rep. Phil Rubin (Appointed 1/29/2025)
Rep. John Sauls
Rep. Mike Schietzelt
Rep. Paul Scott
Rep. Mitchell S. Setzer
Rep. Phil Shepard
Rep. Carson Smith
Rep. Charles Smith
Rep. Sarah Stevens
Rep. Larry C. Strickland
Rep. John A. Torbett
Rep. Brian Turner
Rep. Steve Tyson
Rep. Julie von Haefen
Rep. Bill Ward
Rep. Harry Warren
Rep. Sam Watford
Rep. Diane Wheatley
Rep. Donna McDowell White
Rep. Shelly Willingham
Rep. David Willis
Rep. Matthew Winslow
Rep. Jeff Zenger
Sen. Gale Adcock
Sen. W. Ted Alexander
Sen. Val Applewhite
Sen. Lisa S. Barnes
Sen. Sydney Batch
Sen. Phil Berger
Sen. Dan Blue
Sen. Woodson Bradley
Sen. Bob Brinson
Sen. Danny Earl Britt, Jr.
Sen. Jim Burgin
Sen. Jay J. Chaudhuri
Sen. Sophia Chitlik
Sen. Kevin Corbin
Sen. David W. Craven, Jr.
Sen. Warren Daniel
Sen. Terence Everitt
Sen. Carl Ford
Sen. Amy S. Galey
Sen. Michael Garrett
Sen. Lisa Grafstein
Sen. Bobby Hanig
Sen. Ralph Hise
Sen. Mark Hollo
Sen. Brent Jackson
Sen. Steve Jarvis
Sen. Todd Johnson
Sen. Dana Jones
Sen. Michael A. Lazzara
Sen. Michael V. Lee
Sen. Paul A. Lowe, Jr.
Sen. Julie Mayfield
Sen. Tom McInnis
Sen. Graig Meyer
Sen. Timothy D. Moffitt
Sen. Mujtaba A. Mohammed
Sen. Natalie S. Murdock
Sen. Buck Newton
Sen. Paul Newton
Sen. Brad Overcash
Sen. Bill Rabon
Sen. Gladys A. Robinson
Sen. DeAndrea Salvador
Sen. Norman W. Sanderson
Sen. Benton G. Sawrey
Sen. Vickie Sawyer
Sen. Eddie D. Settle
Sen. Kandie D. Smith
Sen. Caleb Theodros
Sen. Joyce Waddell
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2021-2022 Session
2019-2020 Session
2018 Third Extra Session
2018 Second Extra Session
2018 First Extra Session
2017-2018 Session
2016 Fifth Extra Session
2016 Fourth Extra Session
2016 Third Extra Session
2016 Second Extra Session
2016 First Extra Session
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2011-2012 Session
2009-2010 Session
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2005-2006 Session
2004 Extra Session
2003 Extra Session
2003 Extra Session
2003-2004 Session
2002 Extra Session
2001-2002 Session
2000 Special Session
1999 Special Session
1999-2000 Session
1998 Special Session
1997-1998 Session
1996 2nd Special Session
1996 1st Special Session
1995-1996 Session
1994 Special Session
1993-1994 Session
1991 Special Session
1991-1992 Session
1990 Special Session
1989 Special Session
1989-1990 Session
1987-1988 Session
1986 Special Session
1985-1986 Session
2025-2026 Session
2025-2026 Session
2023-2024 Session
2021-2022 Session
2019-2020 Session
2018 Third Extra Session
2018 Second Extra Session
2018 First Extra Session
2017-2018 Session
2016 Fifth Extra Session
2016 Fourth Extra Session
2016 Third Extra Session
2016 Second Extra Session
2016 First Extra Session
2015-2016 Session
2013-2014 Session
2011-2012 Session
2009-2010 Session
2008 Extra Session
2007 Extra Session
2007-2008 Session
2005-2006 Session
2004 Extra Session
2003 Extra Session
2003 Extra Session
2003-2004 Session
2002 Extra Session
2001-2002 Session
2000 Special Session
1999 Special Session
1999-2000 Session
1998 Special Session
1997-1998 Session
1996 2nd Special Session
1996 1st Special Session
1995-1996 Session
1994 Special Session
1993-1994 Session
1991 Special Session
1991-1992 Session
1990 Special Session
1989 Special Session
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Session Laws
Session Law
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 13.2: Volkswagen Settlement Funds.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 32.2: Department of Revenue Tax Fraud Analytics.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.1: Cash Flow Highway Fund and Highway Trust Fund Appropriations.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.2: Contingency Funds.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.3: Repairs and Renovations.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.4: Department of Transportation/Funding for Analytics Services.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.4A: Department of Transportation/Consultation on Transportation Projects with Affected Utility Providers.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.5: Department of Transportation Acquisitions/Appraisals Waiver Valuation.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.6: Establishment of Advance Right-of-Way Acquisition Account.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.6A: Road Improvements Adjacent to Schools.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.7: Use of Funds in Mobility/Modernization Fund.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.7A: Department of Transportation/Disposition of Settlement Funds.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.8: Rural Project Development.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.9: Expand Use of Pavement Preservation Program Funds.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.10: Codify Bridge Program.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.11: Highway Maintenance Improvement Program/Revise Periods and Consolidate with Other Improvement Programs.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.12: Revise Content of Transportation Improvement Program Schedule.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.12C: Department of Transportation/Funding for Preliminary Engineering.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.13: Department of Transportation/Outsourcing and Project Delivery Reports.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.14: Board of Transportation/Study Fee Structure for Services Performed by the Highway Division.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.15: Align Department of Transportation's Program for Participation by Disadvantaged Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Businesses with Federal Law.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.16: "DOT Report" Program Revisions.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.16A: Department of Transportation/Close State Infrastructure Bank.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.17: State Aid to Municipalities/No Funds if Municipality Fails to File Statement and Study How to Account for Seasonal Population Shifts.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.17A: Department of Transportation /Defend, Indemnify, and Hold Harmless the City of Wilmington from Liability for Map Act Claims.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.18: Extend Moratorium on Adoption of New Maps under the Map Act.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.18A: Department of Transportation/Increase Consolidation and Coordination of Public Transportation Systems.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.19: Funding for Airport Improvements and Debt Service.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.20: Require Use of Outside Vendor to Sell Sikorsky Helicopter.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.21: Revise Use of Taxes Collected on Aviation Gasoline and Jet Fuel.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.21B: Division of Aviation/Institute for Transportation Research and Education Funds.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.22: Annual Report/Progress of Projects Identified in Plans Funded from Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Grant Funds.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.23: Rail Division/Five-Year Spending Plan for Freight Rail & Rail Crossing Safety Improvement.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.24: Rail Division/Report Required Prior to Entering into Certain Contracts.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.26: Global TransPark/Strategic Plan and Marketing.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.27: North Carolina State Ports Authority/Funds for Debt Service and Capital Projects.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.28: State Ports Authority/Funding For Dredging.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.28A: Dredging Services Cost-Benefit Analysis.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.28B: Ferry Vessel Priority Boarding/Clarification.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.28C: Ferry Division/Life-Cycle Plan for Terminal Structure Repairs and Replacements.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.29: Study/Use of Dredge Manteo.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.30: Department of Transportation Performance Dashboard/Track Division of Motor Vehicles Progress.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.31: Division of Motor Vehicles/Purchase Credit Card Payment Processing Devices.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.32: Division of Motor Vehicles/Hearing Fee Implementation Revisions.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.33: Division of Motor Vehicles/Study Streamlining International Fuel Tax Agreement and International Registration Plan Processes.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.34: Pilot Project/Funding for Rest Area in Richmond County.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.35: Asset Management Long Range Facility Planning/Division of Motor Vehicle New Bern Avenue Property Relocation.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.36: Study/Eliminate Use of Nurses in Medical Review Program.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.37: Restore Mercury Switch Removal Funding.
SL 2017-57
Appropriations Act of 2017.: Sec. 34.39: Department of Transportation/Traffic Impact Analysis Time Frame.
Showing 1 to 50 of 73 Session Laws