Occupational Boards and Licensing
Session Year 2019
All Occupational Boards and Licensing SummariesSession Law | SlSort1 | SLSort2 | Bill | BillSort1 | BillSort2 | Summary |
SL 2019-191 | 2019 | 0191 | H228 | H | 0228 | Modernize Laws Pertaining to NC Medical Board. |
SL 2019-43 | 2019 | 0043 | H548 | H | 0548 | Modify Physical Therapy Definition. |
SL 2019-207 | 2019 | 0207 | H554 | H | 0554 | Funeral Practice Licensure Tech. Corrections. |
SL 2019-91 | 2019 | 0091 | H770 | H | 0770 | Freedom to Work/Occupational Licensing Board Reform. |
SL 2019-72 | 2019 | 0072 | S55 | S | 0055 | Continuing Education for General Contractors. |
SL 2019-78 | 2019 | 0078 | S88 | S | 0088 | Electrician Requirements for Certain Orgs. |
SL 2019-201 | 2019 | 0201 | S230 | S | 0230 | NC Military and Veteran Act of 2019. |
SL 2019-114 | 2019 | 0114 | S311 | S | 0311 | Massage Board Membership. |
SL 2019-146 | 2019 | 0146 | S462 | S | 0462 | Modifications to NC Appraisal Board. |
SL 2019-195 | 2019 | 0195 | S590 | S | 0590 | Modify Continuing Ed for Real Estate Brokers. |
SL 2019-170 | 2019 | 0170 | S604 | S | 0604 | Amend NC Veterinary Practice Act. |