H97 - 2015 Appropriations Act, Sec. 5.2(c)-(e): Education Lottery Funds/Expenses of the Lottery/Limit on Regional Offices (SL 2015-241)

Session Year 2015

Overview: Secs 5.2(c) through (e) of S.L. 2015-241 make the following changes to the North Carolina State Lottery Act:

  • Establishes an annual transfer of $2.1 million to the Department of Public Safety, Alcohol Law Enforcement Branch for gambling enforcement activities, and classifies this transfer as an expense of the Lottery.
  • Limits the number of regional offices operated by the Lottery Commission (Commission) to no more than seven.
  • Prohibits the Commission and lottery game retailers from accepting any form of public assistance funds for ticket purchases or game play.

This provision also directs the Commission to adopt any rules necessary to implement these changes.

These sections became effective July 1, 2015.

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