S670 - Term Limits for Board of Governors Members (SL 2015-300)

Session Year 2015

Overview: S.L. 2015-300 limits, beginning with elections held on or after January 1, 2017, individuals to no more than three full terms on the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina (BOG) and clarifies that an election for a partial term to fill a vacancy does not count against the three-term limitation.

The act also requires the BOG, when conducting a search for a President of The University of North Carolina, to follow the following procedures:

  • Submission of at least three final candidates to the full BOG for selection of the President.
  • Selection of the President by a majority vote of the entire BOG.

The BOG may appoint an interim President without following the procedures for a Presidential search. The interim President must serve until the Board appoints a President using the required statutory procedures.

This act became effective October 31, 2015. Members of the BOG who are otherwise affected by this act must nevertheless complete the full term to which they were elected.

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