H388 - Immunizing Pharmacists. (SL 2019-21)
Session Year 2019
Overview: S.L. 2019-21 expands the vaccinations that may be administered by an immunizing pharmacist to allow: 1) persons age 18 and older to receive the Serogroup B meningococcal vaccines, the Human Papillomavirus vaccine, and the Hepatitis A vaccine; 2) children at least age 10 (previously age 14) to receive the influenza vaccine; and 3) children age 6 and up to age 10 to receive the influenza vaccine following a physical examination and prescription order initiated by a provider. A screening questionnaire and safety procedures will be developed for the vaccinations and submitted to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services no later than September 15, 2019.
The authority for immunizing pharmacists to administer additional vaccinations or immunizations became effective October 1, 2019, the remainder of the act became effective June 3, 2019.
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