H217 - Department of Information Technology Changes. (SL 2019-200)
Session Year 2019
Overview: S.L. 2019-200 makes various technical changes to laws related to the Department of Information Technology (DIT); amends the laws relating to State agency cybersecurity; amends the laws relating to emergency telephone service and the 911 Board; repeals a requirement that cable service franchisees must provide cable service without charge to certain public buildings; creates the Information Technology Strategy Board to advise the State Chief Information Officer; revises the qualifications and training requirements for telecommunicators employed by municipal police agencies; and authorizes the State Chief Information Officer (CIO) to classify or reclassify DIT positions in accordance with the classification system established by the State Human Resources Commission (SHRC) and to set salaries for DIT employees within the salary ranges for the respective position classification established by the SHRC.
The change in requirements applicable to cable service franchisees becomes effective January 1, 2020. The change in qualifications and training requirements for police agency telecommunicators becomes effective July 1, 2021. The remainder of this act became effective August 21, 2019.
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