H1043 - 2020 COVID-19 Recovery Act. (SL 2020-4)
Session Year 2020
Overview: Section 3.3 of S.L. 2020-4, as may have been amended by Section 3 of S.L. 2020-32, Section 4 of S.L. 2020-49, Section 1.1(d) of S.L. 2020-80, Section 3B(b) of S.L. 2020-88, and Section 4.9(a) of S.L. 2020-91, is amended by Section 1.2 of S.L. 2020-97 to add a new subsection (82) that allocates $150,000 to OSMB to be allocated to the Steve Smith Family Foundation to be used for its virtual learning support program that assists homeless students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds must be used for COVID-19 eligible expenses, including the cost of tutors, meals, personal protective equipment, cleaning, rental of work space for students, and on-site support of information technology and counseling.
This subsection became effective September 4, 2020.
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