S105 - 2021 Appropriations Act. (SL 2021-180)
Session Year 2021
Overview: Section 6.9 of S.L. 2021-180 requires Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) to cover the cost of tuition and accident and liability insurance for students enrolled in one- and two-credit work-based learning (WBL) courses. CPCC must develop and implement a plan to:
- Build WBL into short-term, one-year certificate programs.
- Provide opportunities for students to explore a pathway into WBL through the Career and College Promise Program to earn a certificate and create transitions as future enrolled community college students for additional certificates or degrees.
CPCC must convene a stakeholder group with representatives from community colleges across the State to generate a framework for the WBL programs that is replicable at other community colleges in a variety of employment areas aligned with local industry and business workforce needs.
CPCC must submit an initial report by June 1, 2022, and a final report by June 1, 2023, to Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee and other various entities on the following:
- The number of students enrolled in work-based learning courses and the number of students earning certificates, by program of study.
- The incorporation of WBL into certificate programs and Career and College Promise pathways.
- The findings and recommendations of stakeholder group meetings regarding statewide implementation of WBL programs.
- The use of funds for outreach and marketing or other activities.
This section became effective July 1, 2021.
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