H815 - The Loving Homes Act. (SL 2023-82)
Session Year 2023
Overview: S.L. 2023-82 allows a foster home which otherwise qualifies for family foster home licensure but for having five biological children residing in the home to provide care for one foster child or sibling group and codifies certain provisions of the Administrative Code related to family foster homes.
If the amended State plan does not require approval by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, Section 1 of the act becomes effective on October 1, 2023. If the amended State plan requires approval, then Section 1 becomes effective on the date that the amended family foster care home rule is approved by the Secretary. The Secretary of North Carolina Health and Human Services must report to the Revisor of Statutes the effective date of the statute once known. The remainder of the act became effective July 7, 2023.
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