H361 - Require Report/Protection and Advocacy Agency. (SL 2023-135)
Session Year 2023
Overview: S.L. 2023-135 requires the designated Protection and Advocacy Agency (Agency) for the State to submit a report twice a year on the actions the Agency has taken to advocate for persons with disabilities to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services and the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee during the interim, and the chairs of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees on Health and Human Services during session.
The Agency is required to submit a report by December 1, 2023, to the Joint Legislative Committee on Health and Human Services and the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee with specific examples of how the Agency has reduced barriers to employment, enabled independent living, and increased postsecondary educational opportunities for persons with disabilities.
The Agency is also encouraged to annually hold six meetings with the public throughout the State to share the reports.
This act became effective October 3, 2023.
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