S355 - North Carolina Farm Act of 2024. (SL 2024-32)

Session Year 2024

Overview: Section 3 of S.L. 2024-32 eliminates the civil penalty for transporting a live swine without identification and amends the definition of feral swine in the Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) statutes to include live swine transported without identification. It also amends the criminal penalties related to removal of feral swine from a trap and transportation of feral swine as follows:

  • Establishes that removal of feral swine from a trap while the swine is still alive or transportation of feral swine without authorization from WRC are two separate offenses. Specifically, the element involving transportation of feral swine after removal from a trap is deleted, so that any transportation of a feral swine is an offense.
  • Increases the penalty for removal of feral swine from a trap while the swine is still alive or transportation of feral swine to a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable by a fine of at least $1,000 for a first offense and a Class A1 misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $5,000 or $500 per feral swine, whichever is greater, for a second or subsequent offense.
  • Provides that conviction of a second violation of removal of feral swine from a trap while the swine is still alive or transporting feral swine results in a one-year suspension of a trapping license or any other WRC-issued license or permit applicable to the type of activity in which the person was engaging, and conviction of a third violation results in a permanent revocation.

This section becomes effective December 1, 2024, and applies to offenses committed on or after that date.

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