House Member Vote Statistics
2015-2016 Session
Showing 1 to 126 of 126 members
District | Sort1 | Name | Total Votes | Eligible Votes | Actual Votes | Vote % | With Majority | With Majority % | Against Majority | Against Majority % |
96 | Adams, James Cecil | Adams (R) | 1441 | 1427 | 1413 | 99.02% | 1317 | 93.21% | 96 | 6.79% |
41 | Adcock, Gale Brown | Adcock (D) | 1441 | 1430 | 1427 | 99.79% | 1268 | 88.86% | 159 | 11.14% |
115 | Ager, John Curtis | Ager (D) | 1441 | 1441 | 1439 | 99.86% | 1235 | 85.82% | 204 | 14.18% |
107 | Alexander, Kelly Miller | Alexander (D) | 1441 | 1366 | 1339 | 98.02% | 1194 | 89.17% | 145 | 10.83% |
69 | Arp, L. Dean | Arp (R) | 1441 | 1400 | 1378 | 98.43% | 1315 | 95.43% | 63 | 4.57% |
40 | Avila, Marilyn Womack | Avila (R) | 1441 | 1401 | 1399 | 99.86% | 1306 | 93.35% | 93 | 6.65% |
32 | Baskerville, Nathan Angus | Baskerville (D) | 1441 | 1303 | 1188 | 91.17% | 991 | 83.42% | 197 | 16.58% |
10 | Bell, John Richard | J. Bell (R) | 1441 | 1384 | 1383 | 99.93% | 1305 | 94.36% | 78 | 5.64% |
21 | Bell, Larry Moseley | L. Bell (D) | 1441 | 1429 | 1425 | 99.72% | 1258 | 88.28% | 167 | 11.72% |
104 | Bishop, James Daniel | Bishop (R) | 1441 | 1404 | 1390 | 99.00% | 1248 | 89.78% | 142 | 10.22% |
86 | Blackwell, Hugh Allen | Blackwell (R) | 1441 | 1360 | 1350 | 99.26% | 1265 | 93.70% | 85 | 6.30% |
62 | Blust, John Marshall | Blust (R) | 1441 | 1441 | 1434 | 99.51% | 1280 | 89.26% | 154 | 10.74% |
52 | Boles, James Larry | Boles (R) | 1441 | 1441 | 1386 | 96.18% | 1327 | 95.74% | 59 | 4.26% |
98 | Bradford, John Ray | Bradford (R) | 1441 | 1391 | 1390 | 99.93% | 1305 | 93.88% | 85 | 6.12% |
103 | Brawley, William Millen | Brawley (R) | 1441 | 1398 | 1386 | 99.14% | 1348 | 97.26% | 38 | 2.74% |
22 | Brisson, William Dale | Brisson (D) | 1441 | 1275 | 1214 | 95.22% | 1151 | 94.81% | 63 | 5.19% |
60 | Brockman, Cecil Antonio | Brockman (D) | 1441 | 1331 | 1321 | 99.25% | 1150 | 87.06% | 171 | 12.94% |
55 | Brody, Mark A. | Brody (R) | 1441 | 1441 | 1440 | 99.93% | 1350 | 93.75% | 90 | 6.25% |
81 | Brown, Alicia Rayne | R. Brown (R) | 1441 | 1283 | 1240 | 96.65% | 1152 | 92.90% | 88 | 7.10% |
9 | Brown, Brian Mathew | B. Brown (R) | 1441 | 1017 | 1006 | 98.92% | 970 | 96.42% | 36 | 3.58% |
88 | Bryan, Robert Preston | Bryan (R) | 1441 | 1343 | 1330 | 99.03% | 1280 | 96.24% | 50 | 3.76% |
109 | Bumgardner, Dana Byron | Bumgardner (R) | 1441 | 1397 | 1388 | 99.36% | 1253 | 90.27% | 135 | 9.73% |
67 | Burr, Justin Phillip | Burr (R) | 1441 | 1399 | 1395 | 99.71% | 1295 | 92.83% | 100 | 7.17% |
102 | Carney, Becky | Carney (D) | 1441 | 1185 | 1184 | 99.92% | 1060 | 89.53% | 124 | 10.47% |
20 | Catlin, Richard Glyndon | Catlin (R) | 1441 | 1178 | 1167 | 99.07% | 1080 | 92.54% | 87 | 7.46% |
14 | Cleveland, George Grant | Cleveland (R) | 1441 | 1377 | 1375 | 99.85% | 1222 | 88.87% | 153 | 11.13% |
25 | Collins, Jeffrey Lynn | Collins (R) | 1441 | 1358 | 1342 | 98.82% | 1170 | 87.18% | 172 | 12.82% |
74 | Conrad, Debra Lynn | Conrad (R) | 1441 | 1430 | 1421 | 99.37% | 1330 | 93.60% | 91 | 6.40% |
100 | Cotham, Patricia Ann | Cotham (D) | 1441 | 1285 | 1280 | 99.61% | 1081 | 84.45% | 199 | 15.55% |
106 | Cunningham, Carla D. | Cunningham (D) | 1441 | 1325 | 1285 | 96.98% | 1083 | 84.28% | 202 | 15.72% |
26 | Daughtry, Namon Leo | Daughtry (R) | 1441 | 1363 | 1280 | 93.91% | 1239 | 96.80% | 41 | 3.20% |
19 | Davis, Robert Theodore | Davis (R) | 1441 | 1312 | 1300 | 99.09% | 1284 | 98.77% | 16 | 1.23% |
4 | Dixon, James W. | Dixon (R) | 1441 | 1422 | 1408 | 99.02% | 1361 | 96.66% | 47 | 3.34% |
85 | Dobson, Joshua Robert | Dobson (R) | 1441 | 1328 | 1298 | 97.74% | 1231 | 94.84% | 67 | 5.16% |
36 | Dollar, Joseph Nelson | Dollar (R) | 1441 | 1441 | 1441 | 100.00% | 1384 | 96.04% | 57 | 3.96% |
101 | Earle, Beverly Miller | Earle (D) | 1441 | 1338 | 1301 | 97.23% | 1110 | 85.32% | 191 | 14.68% |
94 | Elmore, Jeffrey Carter | Elmore (R) | 1441 | 1347 | 1300 | 96.51% | 1223 | 94.08% | 77 | 5.92% |
61 | Faircloth, Joseph Aubrey | Faircloth (R) | 1441 | 1438 | 1428 | 99.30% | 1401 | 98.11% | 27 | 1.89% |
24 | Farmer-Butterfield, Jean | Farmer-Butterfield (D) | 1441 | 1136 | 1123 | 98.86% | 937 | 83.44% | 186 | 16.56% |
114 | Fisher, Susan C. | Fisher (D) | 1441 | 1357 | 1356 | 99.93% | 1069 | 78.83% | 287 | 21.17% |
43 | Floyd, Elmer | Floyd (D) | 1441 | 1416 | 1393 | 98.38% | 1257 | 90.24% | 136 | 9.76% |
76 | Ford, Carl Lindsey | Ford (R) | 1441 | 1425 | 1408 | 98.81% | 1222 | 86.79% | 186 | 13.21% |
95 | Fraley, John Alfred | Fraley (R) | 1441 | 1423 | 1416 | 99.51% | 1387 | 97.95% | 29 | 2.05% |
33 | Gill, Rosa Underwood | Gill (D) | 1441 | 1435 | 1432 | 99.79% | 1188 | 82.96% | 244 | 17.04% |
44 | Glazier, Richard Brooks | Glazier (D) | 1441 | 956 | 950 | 99.37% | 845 | 88.95% | 105 | 11.05% |
66 | Goodman, Kenneth Leigh | Goodman (D) | 1441 | 1367 | 1351 | 98.83% | 1254 | 92.82% | 97 | 7.18% |
47 | Graham, Charles Vinson | C. Graham (D) | 1441 | 1392 | 1373 | 98.64% | 1224 | 89.15% | 149 | 10.85% |
12 | Graham, George Washington | G. Graham (D) | 1441 | 1437 | 1399 | 97.36% | 1218 | 87.06% | 181 | 12.94% |
112 | Hager, Michael Dean | Hager (R) | 1441 | 1387 | 1381 | 99.57% | 1274 | 92.25% | 107 | 7.75% |
11 | Hall, Duane Raymond | D. Hall (D) | 1441 | 1409 | 1386 | 98.37% | 1158 | 83.55% | 228 | 16.45% |
91 | Hall, Kyle Ethan | K. Hall (R) | 1441 | 342 | 339 | 99.12% | 320 | 94.40% | 19 | 5.60% |
29 | Hall, Larry D. | L. Hall (D) | 1441 | 1420 | 1414 | 99.58% | 1138 | 80.48% | 276 | 19.52% |
18 | Hamilton, Susan Holladay | Hamilton (D) | 1441 | 1151 | 1137 | 98.78% | 1008 | 88.65% | 129 | 11.35% |
72 | Hanes, Edward Francis | Hanes (D) | 1441 | 1391 | 1375 | 98.85% | 1205 | 87.64% | 170 | 12.36% |
59 | Hardister, Jon Yates | Hardister (R) | 1441 | 1386 | 1369 | 98.77% | 1312 | 95.84% | 57 | 4.16% |
57 | Harrison, Pricey | Harrison (D) | 1441 | 1373 | 1373 | 100.00% | 1032 | 75.16% | 341 | 24.84% |
110 | Hastings, Kelly Eugene | Hastings (R) | 1441 | 1332 | 1326 | 99.55% | 1237 | 93.29% | 89 | 6.71% |
38 | Holley, Yvonne Lewis | Holley (D) | 1441 | 1397 | 1386 | 99.21% | 1154 | 83.26% | 232 | 16.74% |
91 | Holloway, Bryan Richard | Holloway (R) | 1441 | 1097 | 1078 | 98.27% | 1000 | 92.76% | 78 | 7.24% |
68 | Horn, D. Craig | Horn (R) | 1441 | 1399 | 1364 | 97.50% | 1330 | 97.51% | 34 | 2.49% |
79 | Howard, Julia Craven | Howard (R) | 1441 | 1364 | 1337 | 98.02% | 1250 | 93.49% | 87 | 6.51% |
5 | Hunter, Howard Jacque | Hunter (D) | 1441 | 1377 | 1348 | 97.89% | 1157 | 85.83% | 191 | 14.17% |
70 | Hurley, Patricia B. | Hurley (R) | 1441 | 1439 | 1437 | 99.86% | 1349 | 93.88% | 88 | 6.12% |
17 | Iler, Frank | Iler (R) | 1441 | 1301 | 1292 | 99.31% | 1258 | 97.37% | 34 | 2.63% |
56 | Insko, Verla Clemens | Insko (D) | 1441 | 1346 | 1319 | 97.99% | 1063 | 80.59% | 256 | 19.41% |
39 | Jackson, Darren G. | Jackson (D) | 1441 | 1313 | 1296 | 98.71% | 1104 | 85.19% | 192 | 14.81% |
92 | Jeter, Charles Roper | Jeter (R) | 1441 | 1385 | 1354 | 97.76% | 1304 | 96.31% | 50 | 3.69% |
83 | Johnson, Linda P. | L. Johnson (R) | 1441 | 1399 | 1349 | 96.43% | 1309 | 97.03% | 40 | 2.97% |
58 | Johnson, Ralph Chuckie | R. Johnson (D) | 1441 | 1084 | 1077 | 99.35% | 916 | 85.05% | 161 | 14.95% |
65 | Jones, C. Herbert | Jones (R) | 1441 | 1389 | 1383 | 99.57% | 1310 | 94.72% | 73 | 5.28% |
93 | Jordan, Jonathan Christian | Jordan (R) | 1441 | 1403 | 1393 | 99.29% | 1247 | 89.52% | 146 | 10.48% |
75 | Lambeth, Donny Carr | Lambeth (R) | 1441 | 1307 | 1299 | 99.39% | 1261 | 97.07% | 38 | 2.93% |
28 | Langdon, James Hector | Langdon (R) | 1441 | 1356 | 1355 | 99.93% | 1286 | 94.91% | 69 | 5.09% |
53 | Lewis, David R. | Lewis (R) | 1441 | 1342 | 1334 | 99.40% | 1302 | 97.60% | 32 | 2.40% |
42 | Lucas, Marvin W. | Lucas (D) | 1441 | 1411 | 1406 | 99.65% | 1255 | 89.26% | 151 | 10.74% |
30 | Luebke, Paul | Luebke (D) | 1441 | 1310 | 1303 | 99.47% | 1021 | 78.36% | 282 | 21.64% |
35 | Malone, Christopher E. | Malone (R) | 1441 | 1412 | 1375 | 97.38% | 1326 | 96.44% | 49 | 3.56% |
34 | Martin, David Grier | G. Martin (D) | 1441 | 1378 | 1371 | 99.49% | 1152 | 84.03% | 219 | 15.97% |
8 | Martin, Susan Lynn | S. Martin (R) | 1441 | 1349 | 1336 | 99.04% | 1313 | 98.28% | 23 | 1.72% |
13 | McElraft, Pat | McElraft (R) | 1441 | 1280 | 1273 | 99.45% | 1230 | 96.62% | 43 | 3.38% |
117 | McGrady, Charles Worden | McGrady (R) | 1441 | 1421 | 1393 | 98.03% | 1354 | 97.20% | 39 | 2.80% |
78 | McNeill, Allen Ray | McNeill (R) | 1441 | 1408 | 1408 | 100.00% | 1347 | 95.67% | 61 | 4.33% |
50 | Meyer, Graig Roy | Meyer (D) | 1441 | 1327 | 1324 | 99.77% | 1095 | 82.70% | 229 | 17.30% |
31 | Michaux, Henry M. | Michaux (D) | 1441 | 1441 | 1359 | 94.31% | 1144 | 84.18% | 215 | 15.82% |
16 | Millis, Christopher Wayne | Millis (R) | 1441 | 1425 | 1423 | 99.86% | 1218 | 85.59% | 205 | 14.41% |
99 | Moore, Rodney W. | R. Moore (D) | 1441 | 1372 | 1350 | 98.40% | 1226 | 90.81% | 124 | 9.19% |
111 | Moore, Timothy Keith | T. Moore (R) | 1441 | 1441 | 982 | 68.15% | 972 | 98.98% | 10 | 1.02% |
9 | Murphy, Gregory | Murphy (R) | 1441 | 273 | 264 | 96.70% | 254 | 96.21% | 10 | 3.79% |
49 | Pendleton, Gary H. | Pendleton (R) | 1441 | 1415 | 1346 | 95.12% | 1274 | 94.65% | 72 | 5.35% |
48 | Pierce, Garland E. | Pierce (D) | 1441 | 1408 | 1406 | 99.86% | 1222 | 86.91% | 184 | 13.09% |
82 | Pittman, Larry Graham | Pittman (R) | 1441 | 1367 | 1363 | 99.71% | 1164 | 85.40% | 199 | 14.60% |
118 | Presnell, Michele Donna | Presnell (R) | 1441 | 1441 | 1440 | 99.93% | 1300 | 90.28% | 140 | 9.72% |
119 | Queen, Joe Sam | Queen (D) | 1441 | 1311 | 1293 | 98.63% | 1106 | 85.54% | 187 | 14.46% |
54 | Reives, Robert Tyrone | Reives (D) | 1441 | 1331 | 1303 | 97.90% | 1116 | 85.65% | 187 | 14.35% |
7 | Richardson, Bobbie J. | B. Richardson (D) | 1441 | 1355 | 1346 | 99.34% | 1148 | 85.29% | 198 | 14.71% |
44 | Richardson, William O. | W. Richardson (D) | 1441 | 451 | 425 | 94.24% | 368 | 86.59% | 57 | 13.41% |
64 | Riddell, Dennis Patrick | Riddell (R) | 1441 | 1408 | 1389 | 98.65% | 1298 | 93.45% | 91 | 6.55% |
87 | Robinson, George Sidney | Robinson (R) | 1441 | 1413 | 1398 | 98.94% | 1354 | 96.85% | 44 | 3.15% |
63 | Ross, Stephen Miles | Ross (R) | 1441 | 1401 | 1379 | 98.43% | 1341 | 97.24% | 38 | 2.76% |
97 | Saine, Jason Ray | Saine (R) | 1441 | 1330 | 1298 | 97.59% | 1254 | 96.61% | 44 | 3.39% |
51 | Salmon, Brad Andrew | Salmon (D) | 1441 | 1421 | 1409 | 99.16% | 1261 | 89.50% | 148 | 10.50% |
105 | Schaffer, Jacqueline Michelle | Schaffer (R) | 1441 | 907 | 905 | 99.78% | 870 | 96.13% | 35 | 3.87% |
89 | Setzer, Mitchell Smith | Setzer (R) | 1441 | 1437 | 1402 | 97.56% | 1302 | 92.87% | 100 | 7.13% |
58 | Sgro, Christopher Michael | Sgro (D) | 1441 | 311 | 308 | 99.04% | 254 | 82.47% | 54 | 17.53% |
15 | Shepard, Phillip R. | Shepard (R) | 1441 | 1375 | 1360 | 98.91% | 1298 | 95.44% | 62 | 4.56% |
3 | Speciale, Michael David | Speciale (R) | 1441 | 1440 | 1438 | 99.86% | 1214 | 84.42% | 224 | 15.58% |
37 | Stam, Paul | Stam (R) | 1441 | 1417 | 1312 | 92.59% | 1258 | 95.88% | 54 | 4.12% |
87 | Starnes, Edgar Vance | Starnes (R) | 1441 | 0 | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% |
1 | Steinburg, Robert Charles | Steinburg (R) | 1441 | 1212 | 1181 | 97.44% | 1150 | 97.38% | 31 | 2.62% |
90 | Stevens, Sarah Suzanne | Stevens (R) | 1441 | 1356 | 1288 | 94.99% | 1212 | 94.10% | 76 | 5.90% |
105 | Stone, Scott D. | Stone (R) | 1441 | 279 | 271 | 97.13% | 265 | 97.79% | 6 | 2.21% |
45 | Szoka, John David | Szoka (R) | 1441 | 1385 | 1380 | 99.64% | 1320 | 95.65% | 60 | 4.35% |
71 | Terry, Evelyn Abrams | Terry (D) | 1441 | 1069 | 1062 | 99.35% | 901 | 84.84% | 161 | 15.16% |
6 | Tine, Paul Newton | Tine (U) | 1441 | 1354 | 1350 | 99.70% | 1304 | 96.59% | 46 | 3.41% |
108 | Torbett, John A. | Torbett (R) | 1441 | 1408 | 1388 | 98.58% | 1306 | 94.09% | 82 | 5.91% |
116 | Turner, Brian Mills | B. Turner (D) | 1441 | 1439 | 1438 | 99.93% | 1288 | 89.57% | 150 | 10.43% |
84 | Turner, Rena W. | R. Turner (R) | 1441 | 1430 | 1430 | 100.00% | 1383 | 96.71% | 47 | 3.29% |
46 | Waddell, Kenneth Neil | Waddell (D) | 1441 | 1321 | 1316 | 99.62% | 1214 | 92.25% | 102 | 7.75% |
77 | Warren, Harry Joseph | Warren (R) | 1441 | 1379 | 1335 | 96.81% | 1263 | 94.61% | 72 | 5.39% |
80 | Watford, Samuel Lee | Watford (R) | 1441 | 1412 | 1399 | 99.08% | 1358 | 97.07% | 41 | 2.93% |
120 | West, Thomas Roger | West (R) | 1441 | 1333 | 1301 | 97.60% | 1261 | 96.93% | 40 | 3.07% |
113 | Whitmire, James Christopher | Whitmire (R) | 1441 | 1350 | 1342 | 99.41% | 1283 | 95.60% | 59 | 4.40% |
23 | Willingham, Shelly | Willingham (D) | 1441 | 1338 | 1333 | 99.63% | 1091 | 81.85% | 242 | 18.15% |
27 | Wray, Michael H. | Wray (D) | 1441 | 1329 | 1329 | 100.00% | 1220 | 91.80% | 109 | 8.20% |
2 | Yarborough, Lawrence Emile | Yarborough (R) | 1441 | 1380 | 1368 | 99.13% | 1313 | 95.98% | 55 | 4.02% |
73 | Zachary, Walter Lee | Zachary (R) | 1441 | 1245 | 1187 | 95.34% | 1129 | 95.11% | 58 | 4.89% |
- Total VotesThe total number of roll call votes taken this session on the chamber floor.
- Eligible VotesThe number of votes the member was eligible to vote on this session. This number does not include votes taken when the member had an excused absence or an excused vote.
- Actual VotesThe number of actual votes the member cast on the chamber floor this session.
- Vote %The percentage of eligible votes this session on which the member voted.
- With MajorityThe number of times this session the member voted the same way as the outcome of the vote. If a specific vote passed and the member voted AYE, then that vote counted as WITH THE MAJORITY.
- With Majority %The With Majority votes divided by the Actual Votes.
- Against MajorityThe number of time this session the member voted opposite way as the outcome of the vote. If a specific vote failed and the member voted AYE, then that vote counted as AGAINST THE MAJORITY.
- Against Majority %The Against Majority votes divided by the Actual Votes.
- * Presiding Officer, Speaker, and Speaker Pro Tem often do not vote while presiding; therefore their voting % may be low.>