Senate Member Vote Statistics
2015-2016 Session
Showing 1 to 54 of 54 members
District | Sort1 | Name | Total Votes | Eligible Votes | Actual Votes | Vote % | With Majority | With Majority % | Against Majority | Against Majority % |
15 | Alexander, John M. Alexander, Jr. Alexander | Alexander (R) | 1056 | 1001 | 993 | 99.20% | 965 | 97.18% | 28 | 2.82% |
48 | Apodaca, Tom Apodaca Apodaca | Apodaca (R) | 1056 | 1025 | 1024 | 99.90% | 1009 | 98.54% | 15 | 1.46% |
45 | Ballard, Deanna Ballard Ballard | Ballard (R) | 1056 | 290 | 290 | 100.00% | 289 | 99.66% | 1 | 0.34% |
18 | Barefoot, Chad Barefoot Barefoot | Barefoot (R) | 1056 | 1029 | 1029 | 100.00% | 1006 | 97.76% | 23 | 2.24% |
17 | Barringer, Tamara Barringer Barringer | Barringer (R) | 1056 | 912 | 912 | 100.00% | 881 | 96.60% | 31 | 3.40% |
26 | Berger, Phil Berger Berger | Berger (R) | 1056 | 1012 | 1003 | 99.11% | 999 | 99.60% | 4 | 0.40% |
33 | Bingham, Stan Bingham Bingham | Bingham (R) | 1056 | 940 | 936 | 99.57% | 927 | 99.04% | 9 | 0.96% |
14 | Blue, Dan Blue Blue | Blue (D) | 1056 | 966 | 958 | 99.17% | 772 | 80.58% | 186 | 19.42% |
34 | Brock, Andrew C. Brock Brock | Brock (R) | 1056 | 1046 | 1046 | 100.00% | 1014 | 96.94% | 32 | 3.06% |
6 | Brown, Harry Brown Brown | Brown (R) | 1056 | 996 | 991 | 99.50% | 987 | 99.60% | 4 | 0.40% |
4 | Bryant, Angela R. Bryant Bryant | Bryant (D) | 1056 | 970 | 966 | 99.59% | 789 | 81.68% | 177 | 18.32% |
16 | Chaudhuri, Jay J. Chaudhuri Chaudhuri | Chaudhuri (D) | 1056 | 292 | 292 | 100.00% | 237 | 81.16% | 55 | 18.84% |
21 | Clark, Ben Clark Clark | Clark (D) | 1056 | 1015 | 1011 | 99.61% | 855 | 84.57% | 156 | 15.43% |
1 | Cook, Bill Cook Cook | Cook (R) | 1056 | 947 | 945 | 99.79% | 934 | 98.84% | 11 | 1.16% |
44 | Curtis, David L. Curtis Curtis | Curtis (R) | 1056 | 988 | 988 | 100.00% | 986 | 99.80% | 2 | 0.20% |
46 | Daniel, Warren Daniel Daniel | Daniel (R) | 1056 | 953 | 949 | 99.58% | 917 | 96.63% | 32 | 3.37% |
5 | Davis, Don Davis Davis | D. Davis (D) | 1056 | 1049 | 1049 | 100.00% | 860 | 81.98% | 189 | 18.02% |
50 | Davis, Jim Davis Davis | J. Davis (R) | 1056 | 1011 | 1009 | 99.80% | 999 | 99.01% | 10 | 0.99% |
48 | Edwards, Chuck Edwards Edwards | Edwards (R) | 1056 | 0 | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% |
38 | Ford, Joel D. M. Ford Ford | Ford (D) | 1056 | 1000 | 1000 | 100.00% | 817 | 81.70% | 183 | 18.30% |
23 | Foushee, Valerie P. Foushee Foushee | Foushee (D) | 1056 | 896 | 891 | 99.44% | 723 | 81.14% | 168 | 18.86% |
24 | Gunn, Rick Gunn Gunn | Gunn (R) | 1056 | 1019 | 1019 | 100.00% | 1017 | 99.80% | 2 | 0.20% |
43 | Harrington, Kathy Harrington Harrington | Harrington (R) | 1056 | 1017 | 1009 | 99.21% | 986 | 97.72% | 23 | 2.28% |
36 | Hartsell, Fletcher L. Hartsell, Jr. Hartsell | Hartsell (R) | 1056 | 965 | 951 | 98.55% | 926 | 97.37% | 25 | 2.63% |
47 | Hise, Ralph Hise Hise | Hise (R) | 1056 | 1033 | 1005 | 97.29% | 987 | 98.21% | 18 | 1.79% |
10 | Jackson, Brent Jackson Jackson | B. Jackson (R) | 1056 | 1049 | 1044 | 99.52% | 1032 | 98.85% | 12 | 1.15% |
37 | Jackson, Jeff Jackson Jackson | J. Jackson (D) | 1056 | 960 | 957 | 99.69% | 774 | 80.88% | 183 | 19.12% |
31 | Krawiec, Joyce Krawiec Krawiec | Krawiec (R) | 1056 | 1056 | 1055 | 99.91% | 1043 | 98.86% | 12 | 1.14% |
9 | Lee, Michael V. Lee Lee | Lee (R) | 1056 | 997 | 995 | 99.80% | 989 | 99.40% | 6 | 0.60% |
32 | Lowe, Paul A. Lowe, Jr. Lowe | Lowe (D) | 1056 | 1002 | 992 | 99.00% | 824 | 83.06% | 168 | 16.94% |
25 | McInnis, Tom McInnis McInnis | McInnis (R) | 1056 | 1022 | 1022 | 100.00% | 1002 | 98.04% | 20 | 1.96% |
20 | McKissick, Floyd B. McKissick, Jr. McKissick | McKissick (D) | 1056 | 1050 | 1016 | 96.76% | 847 | 83.37% | 169 | 16.63% |
19 | Meredith, Wesley Meredith Meredith | Meredith (R) | 1056 | 906 | 903 | 99.67% | 867 | 96.01% | 36 | 3.99% |
11 | Newton, E. S. (Buck) Newton Newton | Newton (R) | 1056 | 873 | 855 | 97.94% | 842 | 98.48% | 13 | 1.52% |
32 | Parmon, Earline W. Parmon Parmon | Parmon (D) | 1056 | 3 | 3 | 100.00% | 3 | 100.00% | 0 | 0.00% |
7 | Pate, Louis Pate Pate | Pate (R) | 1056 | 1043 | 1041 | 99.81% | 1033 | 99.23% | 8 | 0.77% |
12 | Rabin, Ronald J. Rabin Rabin | Rabin (R) | 1056 | 1018 | 1018 | 100.00% | 1010 | 99.21% | 8 | 0.79% |
8 | Rabon, Bill Rabon Rabon | Rabon (R) | 1056 | 867 | 848 | 97.81% | 830 | 97.88% | 18 | 2.12% |
30 | Randleman, Shirley B. Randleman Randleman | Randleman (R) | 1056 | 1056 | 1056 | 100.00% | 1041 | 98.58% | 15 | 1.42% |
28 | Robinson, Gladys A. Robinson Robinson | Robinson (D) | 1056 | 958 | 956 | 99.79% | 757 | 79.18% | 199 | 20.82% |
39 | Rucho, Bob Rucho Rucho | Rucho (R) | 1056 | 976 | 946 | 96.93% | 924 | 97.67% | 22 | 2.33% |
2 | Sanderson, Norman W. Sanderson Sanderson | Sanderson (R) | 1056 | 1056 | 1056 | 100.00% | 1042 | 98.67% | 14 | 1.33% |
13 | Smith, Jane W. Smith Smith | Smith (D) | 1056 | 1030 | 1030 | 100.00% | 859 | 83.40% | 171 | 16.60% |
3 | Smith-Ingram, Erica Smith-Ingram Smith-Ingram | Smith-Ingram (D) | 1056 | 908 | 904 | 99.56% | 740 | 81.86% | 164 | 18.14% |
45 | Soucek, Dan Soucek Soucek | Soucek (R) | 1056 | 734 | 721 | 98.23% | 710 | 98.47% | 11 | 1.53% |
16 | Stein, Josh Stein Stein | Stein (D) | 1056 | 739 | 739 | 100.00% | 614 | 83.09% | 125 | 16.91% |
41 | Tarte, Jeff Tarte Tarte | Tarte (R) | 1056 | 935 | 935 | 100.00% | 922 | 98.61% | 13 | 1.39% |
29 | Tillman, Jerry W. Tillman Tillman | Tillman (R) | 1056 | 951 | 947 | 99.58% | 929 | 98.10% | 18 | 1.90% |
35 | Tucker, Tommy Tucker Tucker | Tucker (R) | 1056 | 1018 | 1013 | 99.51% | 984 | 97.14% | 29 | 2.86% |
49 | Van Duyn, Terry Van Duyn Van Duyn | Van Duyn (D) | 1056 | 1026 | 1013 | 98.73% | 809 | 79.86% | 204 | 20.14% |
40 | Waddell, Joyce Waddell Waddell | Waddell (D) | 1056 | 1056 | 1055 | 99.91% | 859 | 81.42% | 196 | 18.58% |
27 | Wade, Trudy Wade Wade | Wade (R) | 1056 | 1052 | 1052 | 100.00% | 1046 | 99.43% | 6 | 0.57% |
42 | Wells, Andy Wells Wells | Wells (R) | 1056 | 1048 | 1047 | 99.90% | 1037 | 99.04% | 10 | 0.96% |
22 | Woodard, Mike Woodard Woodard | Woodard (D) | 1056 | 992 | 982 | 98.99% | 809 | 82.38% | 173 | 17.62% |
- Total VotesThe total number of roll call votes taken this session on the chamber floor.
- Eligible VotesThe number of votes the member was eligible to vote on this session. This number does not include votes taken when the member had an excused absence or an excused vote.
- Actual VotesThe number of actual votes the member cast on the chamber floor this session.
- Vote %The percentage of eligible votes this session on which the member voted.
- With MajorityThe number of times this session the member voted the same way as the outcome of the vote. If a specific vote passed and the member voted AYE, then that vote counted as WITH THE MAJORITY.
- With Majority %The With Majority votes divided by the Actual Votes.
- Against MajorityThe number of time this session the member voted opposite way as the outcome of the vote. If a specific vote failed and the member voted AYE, then that vote counted as AGAINST THE MAJORITY.
- Against Majority %The Against Majority votes divided by the Actual Votes.
- * Presiding Officer, Speaker, and Speaker Pro Tem often do not vote while presiding; therefore their voting % may be low.>