Best Practices in Children's Health-NFP Community Health Program
Health and Human Services
Cherokee, Cleveland, Forsyth, Guilford, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Pitt, Polk, Rockingham, Rutherford, Swain, Wake;
Child and Maternal Health
To provide community health services to first-time, high-risk moms, who enroll in the program before the end of 28 weeks' gestation, and to provide home visits by a qualified nurse until the child reaches two years of age.
Provides direct or indirect services (e.g., health care, childcare, inspections, case management, classes/sessions, counseling, referrals, consultations)
Children (0-5), Families
Descriptive, Output, Efficiency/Process, Outcome
* All information is self-reported by the agency or institution and has not been independently reviewed and validated.