Broughton Hospital-Child/Adolescent
Health and Human Services
Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Catawba, Cherokee, Clay, Cleveland, Davidson, Gaston, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Iredell, Jackson, Lincoln, Madison, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Mitchell, Polk, Rowan, Rutherford, Stanly, Surry, Swain, Transylvania, Union, Watauga, Wilkes, Yadkin, Yancey;
Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Early Intervention
To improve the academic, social, emotional, and physical achievement of young and transitional-age youth (age 6-16) who have mental health and substance abuse needs while seeking treatment in an inpatient school/hospital setting.
Provides direct or indirect services (e.g., health care, childcare, inspections, case management, classes/sessions, counseling, referrals, consultations)
Youth (6-15), Transitional Youth (16+)
Descriptive, Output, Efficiency/Process, Outcome
* All information is self-reported by the agency or institution and has not been independently reviewed and validated.