Cherry Hospital-Child/Adolescent
Health and Human Services
Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Brunswick, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, Dare, Duplin, Edgecombe, Gates, Greene, Halifax, Hertford, Hyde, Johnston, Jones, Martin, Nash, NewHanover, Northampton, Onslow, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Pender, Perquimans, Pitt, Robeson, Sampson, Scotland, Tyrrell, Washington, Wayne, Wilson;
Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Early Intervention
To provide the full range of psychiatric, medical, and therapeutic services to adolescents age 12-18 who suffer from severe mental illness and reside within the 38-county eastern region of North Carolina. Services are provided within a hospital/public school setting.
Provides direct or indirect services (e.g., health care, childcare, inspections, case management, classes/sessions, counseling, referrals, consultations)
Youth (6-15), Transitional Youth (16+)
Descriptive, Output, Efficiency/Process, Outcome
* All information is self-reported by the agency or institution and has not been independently reviewed and validated.