Genetics and Newborn Screening
Health and Human Services
Child and Maternal Health
To provide follow-up for newborns screened for problems atproblems at birth that are not discovered. Allows for earlyfor early diagnosis, treatment and follow-up on a range of conditions: inherited diseases, metabolic disorders (caused by the accumulation of chemicals produced naturally in the body) and hearing loss. Services are also available to children whose hearing loss is detected later in life, who have genetic disorders including craniofacial anomalies.
Provides direct or indirect services (e.g., health care, childcare, inspections, case management, classes/sessions, counseling, referrals, consultations)
Children (0-5), Youth (6-15), Transitional Youth (16+), Families
Descriptive, Output, Efficiency/Process, Outcome
* All information is self-reported by the agency or institution and has not been independently reviewed and validated.