Transcript of Governor's Objection and Veto Message

Transcript of Governor's Objection and Veto message on Senate Bill 931, 2003-2004 Regular Session.

(on Governor's office letterhead)

Governor's Objections and Veto Message

Section four of Senate Bill 931 as ratified states that "no new requirement added by the State Board of Education to the teacher certification process may be required for licensure now or in the future without explicit legislative authorization."

The North Carolina Constitution and our state Supreme Court decision in Leandro support the State Board's role to determine the standards and requirements for public school teachers in North Carolina reflecting our priorities for improving student achievement. Both charge the executive branch of government with a duty to provide every child with an opportunity for a sound basic education. This duty cannot be fulfilled without the executive branch having the capacity to adjust rules, regulations, and policies in a timely manner that reflect changing societal and educational needs. While the Constitution reserves certain powers to the General Assembly, it specifically grants the general authority for the State Board of Education to "administer the free public school system."

Section four of this bill impairs the executive branch's ability to execute its constitutional duty. This section is also in direct conflict with and erodes the Excellent Schools Act of 1997 requiring the State Board to set rigorous standards for teachers and student achievement.

Removing the authority of the State Board of Education to ensure teacher standards is not only bad public policy, but it is also constitutionally questionable.

For the reasons stated above, I veto the bill.

(Signature of Governor)